Do it yourself

Do it yourself - Everything for hobbyists

Wer gern schraubt und bastelt, ist hier angesprochen. Die Dämmung anbringen, das Subwoofer Gehäuse selber bauen, die Störungen durch klappernde Verkleidungen zu beseitigen und vieles mehr.. For the stable installation of retrofit loudspeakers, it is important to Loudspeaker rings around the Loudspeaker and to install finished Subwoofer enclosure um den einzelnen Subwoofer in sein passenden neuen Arbeitsplatz zu bringen, sind Tätigkeiten, die jeder selbst erledigen kann. Dazu gehört auch, die Speaker terminals and Reflex tubes to power the self-built subwoofer box. This may sound complicated, but it is definitely feasible.

The insulation is easy to implement

To the Insulation the special Alubutyl mats, which are also self-adhesive. They are easy to apply to doors, the engine partition wall, wheel arches, the trunk and the hood. This type of insulation is easy to use. The thick aluminum foils ensure durability and robustness. Here you will find a very popular mat from the top brand Vibrofiltr. The Subwoofer enclosure yourself is not at all complicated for the skilled screwdriver with the step-by-step instructions. The important thing is the planning:
  • Welcher Subwoofer ist zu verbauen?
  • What is the diameter of the subwoofer?
  • At what height can the vehicle's spare wheel well be used, for example?
  • How much volume does the subwoofer need?
  • Does it make sense to install the amplifier in the spare wheel well?
If you are looking for a suitable Subwoofer enclosure would like to acquire, for example this housing from our own joinery reach.

Loudspeaker grille installation

There are special DIY speakers on the market with the corresponding Loudspeaker grillewhich can be attached directly. It does not need to be glued, but can be installed with four screws.

Subwoofergehäuse passen für deinen Subwoofer

The Subwoofer enclosure sind die richtige Wahl, um deinen einzeln erworbenen Subwoofer zu verbauen. Die Gehäuse gibt es in allen erdenlichen Größen, garantiert ist eines für deinen Subwoofer dabei. Lass dich gern von uns beraten. h2>What is necessary for every DIY application? The Loudspeaker and Subwoofer sind vorhanden, ebenso die passenden Cablesconnectors and wire end ferrules, which provide protection against short circuits and ensure a secure and interference-free connection. More complicated is the laying of the Cables and the installation of a loudspeaker. Installing insulation on the car door goes without saying. It is possible to carry out many tasks yourself. Installing the audio system yourself is a challenge for many users, but it can be done. In the door panels and A-pillars, the Loudspeaker mounted. The Amplifier and Subwoofer bauen die meisten Leute in den Kofferraum ein. Die klassische Aufrüstung ist der Einbau von Loudspeakers, die Integration des Verstärkers und der Subwoofer-Einheit. Drei Möglichkeiten, Subwoofer elegant unterzubringen:
  • Installing the subwoofer enclosure in the trunk is one solution
  • Subwoofers are also often mounted in the spare wheel well
  • Auch an den Seitenwänden im Kofferraum werden Subwoofer überwiegend mit GFK-Gehäuse angebracht

Which manufacturers does Masori distribute?

For hobbyists, our store currently stocks items from manufacturers such as Audio System, B2 Audio, CTK, ESX, Ground Zero, Hifonics, JL Audio, Masori, Pride, SIP and SMD, Vibe Audio and Vibrofiltr.


With Masori you'll find everything you need for your new speakers, Amplifier or Subwoofer im Auto zu integrieren. Lass dich gerne von uns beraten und ein Komplettset inkl. dem notwendigen Zubehör erstellen.