By Ground Zero



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  • Adapter ring for 20 cm subwoofer, easy to install, BMW compatible.
  • Perfect for installation under front seats, suitable for GZRW 8FL.
  • High-quality sound experience with rich bass and clear vocals.
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Regular price 39,00€ Sale price 39,00€

Discover the GZBR 200BMW from Ground Zero - a special loudspeaker ring that raises your listening experience to a completely new level. Ideal for different BMW models, it serves as an adapter ring for 20 cm subwoofer. The assembly under the front is a child's play and offers a high quality sound experience, regardless of whether you are a lover of rich bass or prefer clear vocals. Its compatibility with the GZRW 8FL model should also be emphasized. The GZBR 200BMW undoubtedly fulfills all of your sound needs


  • Suitable for different BMW models
  • Adapter ring for 20 cm subwoofer
  • Assembly under the front seats
  • Suitable for GZRW 8FL

Der GZBR 200BMW von Ground Zero ist speziell für die Montage unter dem Frontsitz verschiedener BMW Modelle entwickelt worden. Dafür sorgen die kompakten Abmessungen und das Design des Lautsprecherrings, der optimal Platz findet. Beachte, dass der Lautsprecherring als Adapter für 20 cm Subwoofer fungiert, sodass der Einbau reibungslos verläuft. Gerade wenn du gerne laut Musik hörst, wirst du zu schätzen wissen, dass der Sound ungestört bleibt und dabei deine Subwoofer optimal unterstützt werden. Sorge vor der Installation dafür, dass dein Fahrzeug die nötigen Voraussetzungen für die Anbringung unter dem Sitz bietet, um ein ideales Klangerlebnis zu garantieren.
Der GZBR 200BMW Adapterring bietet eine ausgezeichnete Kompatibilität für verschiedene BMW Modelle. Insbesondere ist er für den Einsatz mit den 20 cm Subwoofern wie dem GZRW 8FL konzipiert. Dies gewährleistet, dass das Klangerlebnis in den Fahrzeugmodellen, für die er geeignet ist, auf ein neues Niveau gehoben wird. Die Anpassung unter dem Frontsitz ermöglicht eine platzsparende Integration, sodass der bestehende Fahrkomfort nicht beeinträchtigt wird. Mit dieser flexiblen Kompatibilität und der hochwertigen Konstruktion des Ground Zero Produkts erreichst du ein kräftiges Sounderlebnis.
Der Ground Zero GZBR 200BMW ist ausgelegt für mehrere BMW Modelle, wobei die genaue Unterstützung je nach Baureihe und spezifischer Fahrzeugkonfiguration variieren kann. Interessant hierbei ist seine Fähigkeit, als Adapterring für 20 cm Subwoofer zu fungieren, was eine beachtliche Flexibilität in der Anwendung bietet. Er ist explizit für die Integration und Klangoptimierung unter den Vordersitzen gedacht. Der Lautsprecherring ist so entwickelt, dass er sich problemlos in die existierenden Audiosysteme der BMW Reihe einfügt, ohne dass größere bauliche Veränderungen nötig sind.
Der GZBR 200BMW versetzt dich in die Lage, das Klangerlebnis im Fahrzeug durch seine Rolle als Adapterring für Subwoofer maßgeblich zu verbessern. Gerade dann, wenn du ein Faible für satte Bässe oder klare, präzise Vocals hast, erweist sich dieser Lautsprecherring als unverzichtbar. Er optimiert die Schallübertragung, indem er die Verbindung zwischen dem Subwoofer und dem Fahrzeugchassis stabilisiert, was Vibrationen minimiert und somit eine klarere Akustik ermöglicht. Für ein noch intensiveres Hörerlebnis sorgt die geschickt gewählte Platzierung unter den Frontsitzen.
Primär ist der GZBR 200BMW als Adapterring für den GZRW 8FL konzipiert, was jedoch nicht ausschließt, dass er mit anderen 20 cm Subwoofern kompatibel sein könnte. Die Kompatibilität hängt stark von den spezifischen Maße und Befestigungsanforderungen der jeweiligen Subwoofer ab. Durch seine standardisierte Größenauslegung ist jedoch eine flexible Anpassung in vielen Fällen möglich, wobei jedoch vor dem Einbau die genaue Passform geprüft werden sollte. Ein weiteres Subwoofer-Modell könnte durchaus integrierbar sein, sollte aber getestet werden, um sicherzustellen, dass das Klangergebnis nicht beeinträchtigt wird.
Der GZBR 200BMW zeichnet sich durch seine Spezialisierung als Lautsprecherring für 20 cm Subwoofer aus, der in verschiedenen BMW Modellen eingesetzt werden kann. Seine Montage unter den Frontsitzen ist ein herausragendes Merkmal, das sowohl platz- als auch klangtechnische Vorteile bringt. Er fungiert als Adapter für das Modell GZRW 8FL, was eine genaue Kompatibilität und hervorragende Klangübertragung sicherstellt. Weitere theoretische Merkmale könnten seine hohe Materialqualität und Fertigungspräzision sein, die einen stabilen und resonanzarmen Einbaubereich schaffen.
Der GZBR 200BMW hebt sich durch seine spezifische Auslegung für den Einsatz in BMW Fahrzeugen hervor. Als Adapterring für 20 cm Subwoofer sind seine Abmessungen und Passform exakt auf die Audiokonfiguration dieser Modelle abgestimmt. Ein weiterer zentraler Unterschied besteht in seiner simplen Platzierung unter den Frontsitzen, die Platz spart und zugleich eine exzellente Akustik liefert. Diese einzigartige Integration und die gezielte Entwicklung in Verbindung mit dem GZRW 8FL erleichtern die Installation und gewährleisten ein hochwertiges Hörerlebnis, das kaum andere Produkte in dieser Kombination bieten können.
Der Einfluss des GZBR 200BMW auf die Fahrzeugakustik kann erheblich sein, da er als Adapterring die Verbindung zwischen dem Subwoofer und dem Fahrzeuginnenraum optimiert. Durch seine Installation unter den Frontsitzen wird eine gleichmäßige Klangverteilung im gesamten Fahrzeug erzielt. Dabei profitieren insbesondere die Tiefbässe von einer klareren und druckvolleren Wiedergabe, da der Ring unerwünschte Vibrationen effektiv dämpft. Diese akustische Verbesserung sorgt dafür, dass Musikliebhaber ein deutlich präziseres Klangbild wahrnehmen, egal ob es sich um basslastige Tracks oder detailreiche Stimmen handelt.
Der Einsatz des GZBR 200BMW im Auto bietet mehrere wesentliche Vorteile. In erster Linie ermöglicht er eine verbesserte Integration von Subwoofern, da er als zweckmäßiger Adapterring dient. Zudem sorgt die Montage unter den Frontsitzen für eine effiziente Raumnutzung, sodass die Gesamtfahrzeugästhetik ungestört bleibt. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass der Lautsprecherring die akustische Leistung steigert, indem er die Verbindung zum herausragenden Modell GZRW 8FL unterstützt. Für BMW Fahrer, die eine einfache, jedoch wirkungsvolle Verbesserung ihres Soundsystems suchen, ist der GZBR 200BMW somit eine empfehlenswerte Option.
Der Ground Zero GZBR 200BMW ist vorrangig für die Platzierung unter den Frontsitzen konzipiert, da dies die optimale Position für die Klangverteilung im Innenraum verschiedener BMW Modelle bietet. Solltest du dennoch die Installation an einem alternativen Ort, wie der Rückbank, in Betracht ziehen, wären vorab genauere Anpassungsarbeiten nötig. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass die Konstruktion und Befestigungsmöglichkeiten eventuell nicht ideal auf andere Fahrzeugbereiche ausgelegt sind. Ein Test in Bezug auf Klangqualität und physische Installationsmöglichkeiten würde Klarheit darüber schaffen, ob die Rückbank als alternative Einbaulage geeignet ist.

Product specifications


Product type


  • Highlights

    • Adapter ring for 20 cm subwoofer, easy to install, BMW compatible.
    • Perfect for installation under front seats, suitable for GZRW 8FL.
    • High-quality sound experience with rich bass and clear vocals.
  • Uvp



0.5 kg

Your benefits at Masori

Buy Musway MSR-VO1 16.5 cm aluminum speaker adapter rings online with lowest price guarantee

The Musway MSR-VO1 16.5 cm speaker adapter rings are the ideal choice if you're looking for high-quality adapter rings for your vehicle. The fully aluminum mounting ring offers superior stability and corrosion protection compared to conventional plastic or MDF adapter rings. Thanks to the integrated brass nuts, these adapter rings offer reliable speaker attachment with the included M4 threaded screws. Furthermore, the precise integration of a foam ring enables a perfect seal and optimal decoupling, maximizing the sound of your high-end speakers. Buy the adapter rings online at a great price at and take advantage of our on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) for a straightforward and professional installation.

High-quality aluminum construction for maximum durability and stability

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings are made of solid aluminum, giving them exceptional strength and durability. Compared to thin-walled plastic adapter rings, the aluminum rings offer increased mass, effectively minimizing vibrations and ensuring clean speaker performance. The durable aluminum construction also provides the adapter rings with excellent corrosion protection, which is especially beneficial in vehicles with high humidity and fluctuating temperatures. This choice of material ensures that the adapter rings retain their shape and function even under extreme conditions, safeguarding the integrity and sound quality of your speakers over the long term.

Integrated brass nuts for precise and secure speaker mounting

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings feature solid brass nuts integrated directly into the aluminum adapter. These nuts provide a stable and precise base for the included M4 threaded screws, ensuring secure speaker attachment. The use of brass, a material with high tensile strength and corrosion resistance, maximizes the durability of the mounting screws. This design prevents movement and vibration that could lead to sound loss or speaker damage, thus ensuring a durable and reliable connection between the adapter ring and the speaker.

Optimal soundproofing thanks to the foam ring glued to the back

A foam ring is bonded all the way around the underside of the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings, ensuring a perfect seal between the adapter ring and the vehicle's body. This foam ring not only minimizes sound permeability but also prevents unwanted resonance from the adapter ring, resulting in clearer and more pristine sound reproduction. This preserves the authenticity of the sound waves, allowing the speakers to deliver their optimal performance without disruptive resonances. This decoupling is especially important for the integration of high-end speakers that demand precise and pristine sound quality.

Precise fit for 144 mm bolt circle diameter and versatile vehicle compatibility

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings are specifically designed for speakers with a bolt circle diameter of 144 mm, allowing for a universal fit across a wide range of vehicle models. This precise customization ensures that the adapter rings fit seamlessly into the existing openings in your vehicle doors without the need for any adjustments. The broad compatibility extends across numerous Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, and Skoda models, allowing you to use these adapter rings in many different vehicles. A detailed compatibility list ensures that you select the correct adapter rings for your specific vehicle model, thus ensuring a trouble-free installation.

Long-lasting protection against corrosion thanks to high-quality aluminum material

The robust aluminum construction of the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings provides excellent protection against corrosion and wear caused by environmental influences such as humidity and temperature fluctuations. Aluminum is a material characterized by its natural resistance to oxidation, thus enabling long-term use without loss of quality. This ensures that the adapter rings retain their shape and function even under extreme conditions such as high humidity or cold, which is especially important for the stability of your speaker mount. The corrosion protection also contributes to the aesthetic longevity of the adapter rings by preventing the appearance of rust or other discoloration.

Robust fastening with M4 and M5 threaded screws for maximum safety

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings come with high-quality M4 threaded screws and M5 screws and nuts with integrated lock washers. This combination of different screw types allows for flexible and secure installation of the speakers and the adapter rings themselves. The M4 screws are specifically designed for speaker mounting and ensure a firm connection between the speaker and the adapter ring. At the same time, the M5 screws securely fasten the adapter rings to the vehicle's bodywork, further securing the entire installation. This high-quality screw solution ensures that your speakers remain consistently stable and maintain their optimal sound performance, even during intensive use.

Back-glued foam for optimal decoupling and sound quality

The foam ring bonded to the back of the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings plays a crucial role in isolating the speakers from the vehicle structure. This foam ring dampens vibrations and prevents sound waves from being transmitted through the vehicle's bodywork. This effectively reduces the resonance of the adapter ring, resulting in clearer and more precise sound reproduction. The foam decoupling ensures that your speakers can operate in a stable environment, improving overall sound quality and minimizing distortion. This decoupling is especially important for the integration of high-end speakers that require pristine and high-resolution sound reproduction.

Cable feed for a tidy installation

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings feature a front-facing cable entry opening, allowing for a clean and tidy speaker installation. This thoughtful design prevents cables from being visible or obstructing the vehicle's interior, while also facilitating access for future maintenance or adjustments. Well-planned cable routing not only contributes to the aesthetic appeal but also to the functionality of your car audio installation by ensuring that all connections remain secure and free from damage.

Integration with MSB165 silicone sleeves for improved sound

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings can be combined with the MSB165 silicone sleeves to further optimize the working conditions for your speakers. These silicone sleeves provide an additional layer of sound insulation and vibration dampening, further improving the sound quality of your speakers. The combination of aluminum adapter rings and silicone sleeves creates a nearly perfect working environment that allows your speakers to fully develop their audiophile sound experience without being affected by external influences.

Comprehensive vehicle compatibility for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda models

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings are suitable for a wide range of Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda models, including the VW Arteon (3H), VW Caddy III and IV, VW Caravelle, VW Golf V and VI, VW Jetta III, VW Passat B7 and B8, VW Tiguan I and II, VW Touran, VW Touareg I-III, Audi Q3, Seat Taracco and various Skoda models such as the Octavia II, Superb, and Yeti. This comprehensive compatibility ensures that you can use the adapter rings in many different vehicles without compromising on fit or sound quality. A detailed compatibility list helps you select the right adapter rings for your specific vehicle model and ensures a problem-free installation.

Easy installation with pre-assembled mounting clamps and effortless assembly

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings come with M4 and M5 screws and nuts with integrated lock washers, allowing for quick and easy installation. The included components are precisely fitted and designed to a high quality standard to ensure a stable installation. With the adapter rings, you can install your new speakers without any additional adjustments or special tools, saving time and effort. For an even smoother installation , Masori Installation Service in Frankfurt (Oder) offers professional support if you prefer to have the installation performed by experts.

High-quality workmanship for reliable continuous performance

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings are characterized by their excellent workmanship, ensuring reliable, long-lasting performance. Precision manufacturing from high-quality aluminum guarantees consistently high quality and a perfect fit in the respective vehicle model windows. Each component is carefully crafted to maximize the stability and functionality of the adapter rings. This high-quality workmanship ensures that the adapter rings maintain their integrity even under intensive use and changing environmental conditions, providing consistent performance that meets the demanding requirements of high-end car hi-fi systems.

Efficient cable management options for a clean interior design

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings offer sophisticated cable routing with a front-loading opening. This design allows you to neatly route the speaker cables without them being visible or obstructing the interior. Efficient cable management not only ensures an aesthetically pleasing interior design, but also prevents cable damage and facilitates future maintenance or upgrades to your car audio system. The precise placement of the cable openings ensures a clean and tidy installation, enhancing the overall appearance of your vehicle's interior.

Masori Expert Support FAQ & Help for optimal product use

If you have any questions about installing or using the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings, the Masori expert support FAQ & Help is available. Our competent support team will assist you with all technical questions and provide valuable tips for optimal use of your adapter rings. Additionally, our audio blog offers comprehensive information and instructions on all aspects of car hi-fi to help you get the most out of your installation. With Masori, you have a reliable partner at your side, supporting you every step of the way with your car hi-fi project.

Easy adaptation and universal use for versatile car hi-fi applications

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings are not only suitable for a variety of specific vehicle models, but also for universal use. This allows you to use the adapter rings flexibly for different speakers and car hi-fi applications without the need for additional adapters or adjustments. This versatility allows you to customize your car hi-fi system to your individual needs and preferences, regardless of your vehicle model. The easy adjustment and universal use make the Musway adapter rings a practical and future-proof investment for your car hi-fi system.

Functional integration of cable feeds for maximum flexibility

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings feature convenient front-loading cable entry, allowing for maximum flexibility when installing your speakers. This functional integration not only simplifies cable routing but also ensures that it's neatly and securely routed. Well-designed cable routing contributes to improved signal transmission and reduces the risk of signal interference or cable breakage, which positively impacts the overall performance of your car hi-fi system. This thoughtful design ensures your speakers are optimally connected and deliver the best possible sound quality.

Consistent dimensional stability despite high humidity and cold

Thanks to their robust aluminum construction, the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings consistently retain their shape even under extreme environmental conditions. High humidity and low temperatures, such as those commonly found in vehicle doors, pose no threat to the adapter rings' structure. The high-quality aluminum resists these influences and prevents swelling or warping, as can occur with MDF adapter rings. This dimensional stability ensures that the adapter rings always offer a perfect fit and excellent stability, which is crucial for the long-term performance of your speakers.

Perfect adaptation for specific vehicle doors due to 6-hole design

The Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings feature a precise 6-hole design that allows for a perfect fit to most Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, and Skoda vehicle doors. This specialized design ensures that the adapter rings fit precisely into the existing installation slots, ensuring simple and hassle-free installation. The 6-hole design provides additional mounting points that increase the stability and security of the adapter rings, firmly and securely anchoring the speakers in the vehicle. This precise fit is crucial for the optimal performance and sound quality of your car hi-fi system.

Sound insulation and vibration reduction for unadulterated sound

The combination of the backed foam ring and the aluminum construction of the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings provides effective sound insulation and vibration reduction. These measures prevent vibrations and unwanted noise from being transmitted into the vehicle structure, resulting in clearer and more pristine sound reproduction from your speakers. By minimizing resonances and disruptive vibrations, the sound quality of your car hi-fi system is significantly improved, allowing you to enjoy an immersive and immersive listening experience.

Robust design and easy vehicle mounting for versatile applications

The robust design of the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings allows for versatile installation in various vehicle makes and models. The adapter rings are designed for easy installation on both front and rear doors, allowing for flexible use in a wide variety of vehicle configurations. This versatility makes the adapter rings the ideal solution for a wide variety of car hi-fi installations, regardless of whether you want to place the speakers in the doors or other areas of your vehicle. The simple installation and robust construction ensure that the adapter rings function reliably even under demanding conditions.

High-quality materials and precise workmanship for first-class car hi-fi performance

The use of solid aluminum and brass in the Musway MSR-VO1 adapter rings ensures that only premium materials are used for the car hi-fi performance of your system. These high-quality materials not only offer outstanding stability and durability, but also a precise fit and excellent workmanship. The careful construction and high-quality components contribute to the adapter rings providing an optimal foundation for your speakers, ensuring first-class sound quality and long-lasting performance. This quality of materials and workmanship makes the adapter rings an indispensable component for your sophisticated car hi-fi system.