By DD Audio

Power Tuned Z312 ESP

12 "(30cm) subwoofer

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  • Power handling RMS 4000 watts, coil diameter 8.50mm, peak 8000W.
  • Impedance selectable: double 0.5/1/1.5/2 Ohm, neodymium magnet system.
  • Free-flow cooling system, coil diameter 3.35", S-frame structure.
Impedance: D0.5 (2x0.5 Ohm)
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brand: DD Audio
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Regular price 3.999,00€
Regular price 3.999,00€ Sale price 3.999,00€

Discover the Power Tuned Z312 ESP, an impressive 12 "(30cm) subwoofer, manufactured by DD Audio. This high-performance subwoofer, which builds on the proven tradition of the Z-engine, brings innovation and improvement to a new level. It offers outstanding features Like an improved magnetic lens architecture, an optimized open-air cooling system and a unique geometric construction for maximum deflection. -Ccent, adds a striking note to the subwoofer.


  • 30cm (12 ") Subwoofer including DD Audio Merchandise Package! 
  • Resilience (RMS): 4000 watts
  • Top load (peak): 8000 watts
  • Spool diameter 3.35 "(8.50mm)
  • Impedance options: 
    • Double 1 ohm
    • Double 2 ohms
    • Double 0.5 ohm
    • Double 1.5 ohm
  • Patented neodymium magnetic system
  • Loss -free linear suspension
  • Ribbed foam
  • Magnetic protection cap including grille in front of the polk core hole
  • Aluminum die -cast basket

At the beginning of 2005 the first generation of the Z-Motor was launched. Forever, it changed the way people think about a high-performance subwoofer and drove the limits of the Carhifis into new extremes. Many versions of the Z-Motor have been produced over the years, and this spirit of experimentation has driven DD to constant improvement and innovation.

The Z3 series uses an impressive open neodyme engine with 13 lenses of the quality class N48, just like its big brothers in the Z4 series. 

The steel engine parts from the USA are edited in DD AudioS hometown OKC, and all moving parts are made from the best available materials and manufacturing methods in the USA.

The current Z's have several constructive improvements compared to previous models. DD was able to overcome the structural saturation values ​​and increase the peak and total river levels by causing more energy to flow through our magnetic lens architecture via more efficient river paths, a closer alignment of the lentils and convergent river lines.

The open-air cooling system has been improved by the installation of longitudinal valves in order to increase the air flow to the coil body. Then DD increased the thermal mass and used heat -absorbing coatings in the target areas to support long -term heat removal.

DD also made geometric changes that enable an increased maximum deflection and a larger selection of system configurations.

The striking look of the Z is characterized by a black oxide layer in combination with red anodized accents. The engines are also decorated with customer-specific CNC-engraved designs, and each engine is engraved with its production number, which makes each part unique.

You will find that the standard TS parameters for the Z series are missing. This vertification is intended because each Z is manufactured to order, which enables zillions of possible parameter rates, which makes a static set of specifications very susceptible to inaccuracies. 

The subwoofers of the Z series are also equipped with the Evolution subwoofer package (ESP). The drivers equipped with ESP have suspensions with a larger diameter and a deeper frame than with the standard subwoofers as well as exclusive beads and cone designs. ESP subwoofers are really built in such a way that they maximize the performance in their respective size class.

By default, the Z series is supplied with an oversized dust cap made of black composite material in dry construction, a red logo and a treated cellulose membrane, but can optionally be equipped with a customer-specific suspension configuration, alternative dust caps made of composite material, composite material rembraning, powder-coated frame and a variety of logooping, to give your subwoofer an individual appearance and/or additional service for a specific application.
Features ESP Subwoofer
  • Carbon Fiber Blend Cone (CFB)-The CFB composition uses an effective carbon-based cocktail to offer you the highest level of strength/weight in industry.
  • Vario-Density Extended Range of Motion Surround (V-ROM)-offers the ultimate linear control with a high deflection and at the same time enables dynamically sounding bass reproduction. The control ribs are compressed to a lower density than the main stround body to enable a continuouslyless control system. The harder you control it, the more control you get.
  • Tuned Spider System (TSS) - Each suspension is tailored to certain performance features, e.g. high definition, power handling, X -Stiff Control.
  • Super frame (Sframe) - maximizes the spider diameter, the cone diameter, the deflection of the suspension and thus works as a secondary short circuit ring and offers additional heat discharge for a better heat flow from the coil.

      Der Power Tuned Z312 ESP von DD Audio verfügt über eine RMS-Belastbarkeit von 4000 Watt und eine Spitzenbelastbarkeit von 8000 Watt. Diese Spezifikationen machen den Subwoofer zu einer idealen Wahl für High-Fidelity-Car-HiFi-Anwendungen. Der Subwoofer ist mit einer verlustfreien linearen Aufhängung und einem 3,35" (8,50 mm) Spulendurchmesser ausgestattet, die es ihm ermöglichen, hohe Leistung bei minimaler Verzerrung zu liefern. Damit eignet sich der Z312 ESP besonders für Anwender, die eine kraftvolle Basswiedergabe mit klar definierten Klängen suchen.
      Der Power Tuned Z312 ESP von DD Audio nutzt ein patentiertes Neodym-Magnetsystem. Dieses System ist auf einer Magnetlinsenarchitektur aufgebaut, die aus 13 Linsen der Güteklasse N48 besteht, was außergewöhnliche magnetische Flussdichten ermöglicht. Die engen Flusslinien und die konvergierenden Flusspfade maximieren die Energieübertragung, was zu einer höheren strukturellen Sättigung führt. Ergänzt wird dies durch eine schwarze Oxidschicht und rote Eloxal-Akzente, die sowohl die Leistung als auch die ästhetische Anziehungskraft des Subwoofers optimieren.
      Das Design des Power Tuned Z312 ESP umfasst zahlreiche Optimierungen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt der geometrischen Konstruktion, die eine maximale Auslenkung ermöglicht. Das Freifluss-Kühlsystem, verstärkt durch Längspol-Ventile, steigert die Luftzirkulation um den Spulenkörper. Beschichtungen mit wärmeabsorbierenden Eigenschaften unterstützen die Langzeitkühlung und erhöhen die thermische Masse. Die blendende optische Gestaltung mit einer schwarzen Oxidschicht und roten Eloxal-Akzenten verleiht dem Subwoofer zudem eine einzigartige Ästhetik.
      Die Standard-TS-Parameter fehlen beim Power Tuned Z312 ESP bewusst, da jeder Subwoofer auf Bestellung gefertigt wird, was eine unendliche Reihe von Parametern ermöglicht. Diese spezifische Anpassbarkeit erlaubt eine unübertroffene Klanganpassung an individuelle Erfordernisse. Die ESP-Integration beinhaltet größere Aufhängungen und tiefere Rahmen, was es unmöglich macht, statische Parameter festzulegen, ohne das Potenzial der Anpassbarkeit zu beeinträchtigen. So erhält jeder Subwoofer eine maßgeschneiderte Klangsignatur, optimal für anspruchsvollste Anwendungen.
      Der Power Tuned Z312 ESP Subwoofer wird mit verschiedenen Impedanzoptionen angeboten. Es gibt Konfigurationen mit Doppel 1 Ohm, Doppel 2 Ohm, Doppel 0,5 Ohm und Doppel 1,5 Ohm. Diese Vielfalt an Impedanzoptionen ermöglicht es, den Subwoofer mit unterschiedlichsten Verstärkern zu kombinieren und bietet eine flexible Installation in verschiedenen Audiosystemen. Diese Anpassungsfähigkeit ist ideal für Benutzer, die auf der Suche nach spezifischen Matching-Anforderungen für ihre Car-HiFi-Setups sind.
      Das Tuned Spider System (TSS) beim Power Tuned Z312 ESP ist speziell abgestimmt, um die Leistung des Subwoofers zu optimieren. Es sorgt für eine verbesserte Handhabung der Power und kontrolliert die Auslenkung mit hoher Präzision. Das System ist in der Lage, den High-Definition-Sound und die Leistungsaufnahme aufrechtzuerhalten, was besonders vorteilhaft ist, wenn hohe Auslenkungen gefordert sind. Seine Abstimmung ermöglicht auch eine gleichmäßige Kontrolle bei unterschiedlichen Nutzungsarten, wodurch eine konsistente und dynamische Basserfahrung gewährleistet wird.
      Das Vario-Density Extended Range of Motion Surround (V-ROM) des Power Tuned Z312 ESP bietet eine präzise Steuerung der Auslenkung bei hoher Bewegung und einer linearen Kontrolle. Es sorgt dafür, dass sich die Steuerrippen bei niedrigerer Dichte befinden als der Hauptkörper des Surrounds, sodass ein stufenloses Kontrollsystem gewährleistet ist. Selbst bei sehr aggressiven Einstellungen behält das System seine Fähigkeit zur linearen Kontrolle bei und gewährleistet so einen kraftvollen, dynamischen Bass, der selbst höchsten klanglichen Ansprüchen gerecht wird.
      Der Konus des Power Tuned Z312 ESP besteht aus einem Carbon Fiber Blend (CFB), das für sein außergewöhnlich hohes Festigkeits-Gewichts-Verhältnis bekannt ist. Diese Materialwahl ermöglicht eine erhöhte Stabilität und Resonanzkontrolle bei gleichzeitiger Minimierung des Gewichts. Das ausgeglichene Zusammenspiel dieser Materialeigenschaften trägt zur hinreißenden Leistungsfähigkeit und Klangpräzision des Subwoofers bei. CFB sorgt nicht nur für eine robustere Struktur, sondern hilft auch, den Klang zu verfeinern und die Basswiedergabe noch intensiver erlebbar zu machen.
      Der Power Tuned Z312 ESP bietet eine Vielzahl an Anpassungsoptionen, um spezifischen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Neben der Wahl zwischen verschiedenen Impedanzen können Nutzer optionale Ausstattungen wie kundenspezifische Staubkappen, alternative Staubkappenmaterialien, Verbundwerkstoffmembranen und pulverbeschichtete Rahmen wählen. Die personalisierbaren Logo-Optionen bieten eine weitere Möglichkeit zur individuellen Gestaltung. Diese Auswahlmöglichkeit von Komponenten und Designaspekten sorgt dafür, dass der Subwoofer perfekt auf die gewünschte Anwendung und ästhetische Präferenz zugeschnitten ist.
      Das Freifluss-Kühlsystem des Power Tuned Z312 ESP ist so ausgelegt, dass es die Kühlungseffizienz signifikant verbessert. Durch die Integration von Längspol-Ventilen wird der Luftstrom um den Spulenkörper erhöht, was die Wärmeableitung optimiert. Ergänzt wird dies durch wärmeabsorbierende Beschichtungen, die eine nachhaltige Wärmeableitung fördern. Diese thermische Optimierung sorgt dafür, dass der Subwoofer auch bei intensiver Nutzung über längere Zeit leistungsfähig bleibt, ohne dass es zu Überhitzungen oder Leistungseinbußen kommt.

      Audio Import Group
      Pekka Kinnunen
      Palkkitie 10
      84100 Ylivieska


      Product specifications


      Product type


      • Highlights

        • Power handling RMS 4000 watts, coil diameter 8.50mm, peak 8000W.
        • Impedance selectable: double 0.5/1/1.5/2 Ohm, neodymium magnet system.
        • Free-flow cooling system, coil diameter 3.35", S-frame structure.
      • Uvp



      14.5 kg

      Watt RMS power handling


      Your benefits at Masori

      DD Audio Power Tuned Z312 ESP: The 12-inch subwoofer sets new standards in car hi-fi

      Discover the Power Tuned Z312 ESP, a 12-inch subwoofer from DD Audio, at This high-performance subwoofer offers an impressive power handling of 4000 watts RMS and a peak power handling of 8000 watts. With its 3.35-inch (8.50 mm) coil diameter and various impedance options (double 1 ohm, double 2 ohm, double 0.5 ohm, double 1.5 ohm), it sets new standards for subwoofers in the car hi-fi sector. Thanks to the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee, you're guaranteed to get this subwoofer at the best price from us. Its patented neodymium magnet architecture and lossless linear suspension system make the Power Tuned Z312 ESP an indispensable element for your customized car hi-fi setup. Buy online now at a great price and benefit from the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee!

      Improved magnetic lens architecture and free-flow cooling system of the DD Audio subwoofer

      DD Audio's innovative Power Tuned Z312 ESP features an advanced magnetic lens architecture, which represents significant improvements over previous models. The more efficient flux paths increase structural saturation values ​​and maximize peak and total flux levels. This effectively directs more energy through the magnetic lenses. Combined with the optimized free-flow cooling system, which incorporates longitudinal pole valves, airflow to the coil former is significantly increased. These innovations reduce heat generation during operation and extend the lifespan of the subwoofer. The use of heat-absorbing coatings supports the long-term dissipation of excess heat and ensures consistent bass performance.

      Geometric design and individual adaptability of the 12-inch subwoofer

      The geometric design of the Power Tuned Z312 ESP, engineered for maximum excursion, allows for a wide variety of system configurations. Each component can be customized to meet specific requirements, making the subwoofer highly versatile. It benefits from a ribbed foam surround, which, together with the optimized die-cast aluminum basket, ensures outstanding stability. The combination of these features allows the subwoofer to handle demanding bass notes with ease. For users who want to get the most out of their sound, these adaptability capabilities represent a tremendous advantage.

      Patented neodymium magnet system and high-impact design

      The DD Audio Power Tuned Z312 ESP features a patented neodymium magnet system equipped with 13 N48-grade lenses. This system delivers strong magnetic performance and efficiency, ensuring dynamic sound and powerful bass. In addition to technical excellence, DD Audio also places great emphasis on aesthetic design. The striking appearance combines a black oxide finish with stylish red anodized accents, complemented by custom CNC-engraved designs that make each motor unique.

      Evolution subwoofer package (ESP) and carbon fiber composite cone

      The Evolution Subwoofer Package (ESP) technology of the DD Audio Power Tuned Z312 ESP takes subwoofer performance to a new level. Featuring an extended range of motion and a carbon fiber composite grille, the subwoofer offers an unsurpassed strength-to-weight ratio. Vario-Density Extended Range of Motion Surround (V-ROM) technology enables linear control at high excursions, while the Tuned Spider System (TSS) ensures precise suspension tuning for specific performance requirements such as high definition and power handling. Every detail of this 12-inch subwoofer is engineered to maximize bass performance.

      Super-Frame (SFrame) and customizations

      The Super-Frame (S-Frame) design of the Power Tuned Z312 ESP maximizes the coil diameter, cone diameter, and suspension excursion. It supports heat dissipation and improves heat flow from the coil through secondary shorting rings. For users who want to further customize their subwoofer, DD Audio offers extensive customization options. From specific suspension configurations to alternative dust caps and various logo options, the subwoofer can be customized to suit every specific application and visual preference, achieving a unique appearance and enhanced performance.

      Reliable performance through the highest quality materials and craftsmanship

      Every moving part of the Power Tuned Z312 ESP is crafted from the highest quality materials in DD Audio's hometown of Oklahoma City. American craftsmanship combined with state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques guarantees outstanding durability and reliability. The choice of materials, especially for the steel motor components, contributes significantly to the exceptional performance, while the custom design gives each subwoofer a distinctive identity.

      Custom manufacturing and countless customization options for the 12-inch subwoofer

      A standout feature of the Power Tuned Z312 ESP is its custom manufacturing, which allows for a virtually unlimited range of customization options. This tailor-made manufacturing concept ensures that each subwoofer precisely meets individual requirements, whether in terms of parameters, visual appearance, or performance characteristics. The ability to choose specific configurations allows you to optimally integrate the subwoofer into your existing audio system and unlock its full potential. From the cellulose cone to the combination of different materials—the variety of options is virtually limitless.

      Exclusive merchandise and accessories for the Power Tuned Z312 ESP

      With the purchase of the DD Audio Power Tuned Z312 ESP, you receive exclusive DD Audio merchandise that perfectly complements the subwoofer. The package also includes a magnetic protector and a protective grille that covers the pole piece hole. These features contribute to the long-lasting use and lasting performance of the subwoofer. If you need assistance with installation, our on-site installation team in Frankfurt (Oder) is available, as is our expert support FAQ & Help .

      Conclusion and technical support from the masori Audio Blog

      The DD Audio Power Tuned Z312 ESP is not only a technical masterpiece, but also a true beauty within the car hi-fi world. Its custom manufacturing and overwhelming adaptability set new standards. For ongoing support and information, the Masori Audio Blog offers valuable insights and advice on car hi-fi technologies and trends. Every detail and component of this subwoofer is precisely engineered to transport you to the next dimension of sound.