By DD Audio

Power Tuned Z310 ESP

10 "(25cm) subwoofer

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  • Power handling 4000 watts RMS, peak power handling 8000 watts, neodymium.
  • Double 1 ohm, double 2 ohm, double 0.5 ohm, double 1.5 ohm.
  • Patented magnet system, aluminum die-cast basket, cooling.
Impedance: D0.5 (2x0.5 Ohm)
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Regular price 3.999,00€
Regular price 3.999,00€ Sale price 3.999,00€

The Power Tuned Z310 ESP is an advanced 10 "(25cm) subwoofer from the renowned manufacturer DD Audio. Since the introduction of the first Z-Motor Generation in 2005, this series has been revolutionary standards in the world of high-performance subwoofer by consistently the boundaries The Carhifi redefined. Products - from constructive improvements to more efficient heat removal to geometric adjustments for maximum deflection and system diversity, the Z310 ESP is not only powerful, but also future -oriented.


  • 25cm (10 ") Subwoofer including DD Audio Merchandise Package! 
  • Resilience (RMS): 4000 watts
  • Top load (peak): 8000 watts
  • Spool diameter 3.35 "(8.50mm)
  • Impedance options: 
    • Double 1 ohm
    • Double 2 ohms
    • Double 0.5 ohm
    • Double 1.5 ohm
  • Patented neodymium magnetic system
  • Loss -free linear suspension
  • Ribbed foam
  • Magnetic protection cap including grille in front of the polk core hole
  • Aluminum die -cast basket

At the beginning of 2005 the first generation of the Z-Motor was launched. Forever, it changed the way people think about a high-performance subwoofer and drove the limits of the Carhifis into new extremes. Many versions of the Z-Motor have been produced over the years, and this spirit of experimentation has driven DD to constant improvement and innovation.

The Z3 series uses an impressive open neodyme engine with 13 lenses of the quality class N48, just like its big brothers in the Z4 series. 

The steel engine parts from the USA are edited in DD AudioS hometown OKC, and all moving parts are made from the best available materials and manufacturing methods in the USA.

The current Z's have several constructive improvements compared to previous models. DD was able to overcome the structural saturation values ​​and increase the peak and total river levels by causing more energy to flow through our magnetic lens architecture via more efficient river paths, a closer alignment of the lentils and convergent river lines.

The open-air cooling system has been improved by the installation of longitudinal valves in order to increase the air flow to the coil body. Then DD increased the thermal mass and used heat -absorbing coatings in the target areas to support long -term heat removal.

DD also made geometric changes that enable an increased maximum deflection and a larger selection of system configurations.

The striking look of the Z is characterized by a black oxide layer in combination with red anodized accents. The engines are also decorated with customer-specific CNC-engraved designs, and each engine is engraved with its production number, which makes each part unique.

You will find that the standard TS parameters for the Z series are missing. This vertification is intended because each Z is manufactured to order, which enables zillions of possible parameter rates, which makes a static set of specifications very susceptible to inaccuracies. 

The subwoofers of the Z series are also equipped with the Evolution subwoofer package (ESP). The drivers equipped with ESP have suspensions with a larger diameter and a deeper frame than with the standard subwoofers as well as exclusive beads and cone designs. ESP subwoofers are really built in such a way that they maximize the performance in their respective size class.

By default, the Z series is supplied with an oversized dust cap made of black composite material in dry construction, a red logo and a treated cellulose membrane, but can optionally be equipped with a customer-specific suspension configuration, alternative dust caps made of composite material, composite material rembraning, powder-coated frame and a variety of logooping, to give your subwoofer an individual appearance and/or additional service for a specific application.

Features ESP Subwoofer

  • Carbon Fiber Blend Cone (CFB)-The CFB composition uses an effective carbon-based cocktail to offer you the highest level of strength/weight in industry.
  • Vario-Density Extended Range of Motion Surround (V-ROM)-offers the ultimate linear control with a high deflection and at the same time enables dynamically sounding bass reproduction. The control ribs are compressed to a lower density than the main stround body to enable a continuouslyless control system. The harder you control it, the more control you get.
  • Tuned Spider System (TSS) - Each suspension is tailored to certain performance features, e.g. high definition, power handling, X -Stiff Control.
  • Super frame (Sframe) - maximizes the spider diameter, the cone diameter, the deflection of the suspension and thus works as a secondary short circuit ring and offers additional heat discharge for a better heat flow from the coil.

    Der Power Tuned Z310 ESP von DD Audio hat eine beeindruckende RMS-Belastbarkeit von 4000 Watt und kann Spitzenleistungen von bis zu 8000 Watt erreichen. Mit einem Spulendurchmesser von 3,35 Zoll ermöglicht er eine präzise Steuerung und effektive Umwandlung von elektrischer in mechanische Energie. Diese hohe Belastbarkeitsgrenze macht ihn ideal für Hochleistungs-Car-Audio-Systeme, die bei Wettkämpfen genutzt werden.
    Der 25 cm (10 Zoll) Subwoofer benötigt ein Gehäuse, das auf die spezifischen Abmessungen dieses Subwoofers abgestimmt ist, um durch optimierte Luftzirkulation und Resonanz den besten Klang zu gewährleisten. Der Super-Frame (SFrame) des Subwoofers maximiert den Durchmesser von Spinne, Konus und Aufhängungsauslenkung und dient als Kurzschlussring zur zusätzlichen Wärmeableitung. Dadurch wird die Effizienz und Leistung in einem kompakten, raumoptimierenden Gehäuse maximiert.
    Das im Power Tuned Z310 ESP Subwoofer verwendete patentierte Neodym-Magnetsystem gewährleistet eine kräftige Magnetkraft bei minimalem Gewicht. Dieses System nutzt 13 Linsen der Güteklasse N48, wodurch der Magnetfluss optimiert wird. Durch die Konstruktion fließen mehr Energien durch die Magnetlinsenarchitektur, was zu einer präziseren Basswiedergabe und einer höheren mechanischen Belastbarkeit des Subwoofers führt. Ein Freifluss-Kühlsystem mit Längspol-Ventilen unterstützt zudem die Wärmeabfuhr.
    Der Power Tuned Z310 ESP bietet mehrere Impedanzoptionen zur Anpassung an verschiedene Verstärkerkonfigurationen. Verfügbar sind Doppel 1 Ohm, Doppel 2 Ohm, Doppel 0,5 Ohm sowie Doppel 1,5 Ohm. Diese Auswahlmöglichkeiten erlauben eine flexible Installation und Anpassung an verschiedene Soundsysteme, um eine maximale Effizienz und Ausgangsleistung zu erzielen, je nach den spezifischen Anforderungen des vorhandenen Audiosystems.
    Der Power Tuned Z310 ESP von DD Audio ist mit einem Aluminium-Druckgusskorb ausgestattet, der maximale Stabilität und Langlebigkeit bietet. Er hat eine schwarze Oxidschicht, die durch rote Eloxal-Akzente ergänzt wird. Die Kombination des ESP (Evolution Subwoofer Package) beinhaltet Aufhängungen mit größerem Durchmesser und tieferem Rahmen als Standard, mit speziellen Sicken und Konus-Designs. Das Carbon Fiber Blend Cone bietet das höchste Festigkeits-Gewichtsverhältnis in der Industrie, was die Leistungsfähigkeit weiter steigert.
    Das Vario-Density Extended Range of Motion Surround (V-ROM) beim Power Tuned Z310 ESP bietet eine wesentliche Verbesserung in der Auslenkung und linearen Kontrolle. Die Steuerungsrippen sind dazu komprimiert, um eine stufenlose Regelung zu ermöglichen, was zu dynamischen, präzisen Bässen führt, selbst bei hohen Lautstärken. Die Anpassungsfähigkeit des Surrounds ermöglicht es, die Weichheit oder Härte der Steuerung je nach Nutzungsszenario zu ändern, was die Vielseitigkeit des Subwoofers erhöht.
    Das Wärmemanagement des Power Tuned Z310 ESP ist optimiert durch den Einsatz eines Freifluss-Kühlsystems, das Längspol-Ventile integriert, um den Luftstrom zum Spulenkörper zu erhöhen. Die thermische Masse wurde zusätzlich durch wärmeabsorbierende Beschichtungen in bestimmten Bereichen erhöht, um die langfristige Wärmeabfuhr zu unterstützen. Dies stellt sicher, dass der Subwoofer auch bei längerer hoher Belastung effizient und zuverlässig arbeitet, ideale Voraussetzungen für leistungsintensive Audioanwendungen.
    Der Power Tuned Z310 ESP von DD Audio hat eine einzigartige Optik, geprägt durch eine schwarze Oxidschicht, ergänzt durch rote Eloxal-Akzente. Jedes Subwoofer-Motorgehäuse ist individuell graviert, was jedem Stück einen einzigartigen Charakter verleiht. Optional stehen kundenspezifische Aufhängungskonfigurationen, alternative Staubkappen aus Verbundwerkstoff und eine Vielzahl von Logooptionen zur Verfügung, sodass der Subwoofer nicht nur durch Leistung, sondern auch durch Aussehen überzeugt.
    Das Tuned Spider System (TSS) des Power Tuned Z310 ESP ist darauf abgestimmt, spezifische Leistungsmerkmale zu maximieren. Es sorgt für High Definition Basswiedergabe, ermöglicht hohe Belastbarkeit und bietet umfangreiche Kontrolle über die Auslenkung. Durch die optimierte Abstimmung jeder Aufhängung werden hohen mechanischen Anforderungen gerecht, unterstützt von einer stabilen Struktur, um selbst anspruchsvollste Bass-Performance bei maximaler Kontrolle zu bewältigen.
    Der Power Tuned Z310 ESP hat gegenüber früheren Modellen durch mehrere designtechnische Verbesserungen Vorteile. Er besitzt ein optimiertes Neodym-Magnetdesign mit verbessertem Energiefluss und effizienteren Flusspfaden. Zudem wurden Anpassungen zur Erhöhung der maximalen Auslenkung vorgenommen, was mehr Systemkonfigurationen ermöglicht. Das Freifluss-Kühlsystem sorgt für besseren thermischen Austausch, während leichte und starke Materialien wie das Carbon Fiber Blend Cone das Festigkeits-Gewichtsverhältnis optimieren.

    Audio Import Group
    Pekka Kinnunen
    Palkkitie 10
    84100 Ylivieska


    Product specifications


    Product type


    • Highlights

      • Power handling 4000 watts RMS, peak power handling 8000 watts, neodymium.
      • Double 1 ohm, double 2 ohm, double 0.5 ohm, double 1.5 ohm.
      • Patented magnet system, aluminum die-cast basket, cooling.
    • Uvp



    9.5 kg

    Watt RMS power handling


    Your benefits at Masori

    Buy high-performance 10 (25cm) subwoofers from DD Audio with flexible impedance options online at a great price

    The DD Audio Power Tuned Z310 ESP is the ideal subwoofer for your car if you're looking for maximum sound quality and power. With an impressive power handling of 4000 watts RMS (peak power handling of 8000 watts), this subwoofer is capable of delivering even the most demanding bass with precision and power. The impedance options give you the flexibility to optimally customize your system – available are dual 1 ohm, dual 2 ohm, dual 0.5 ohm, and dual 1.5 ohm. Experience the new standard in car hi-fi subwoofers and benefit from the Masori lowest price guarantee – no other online store offers you the same value for money for this high-quality subwoofer.

    Technical details: 3.35 coil diameter for optimal power delivery on the Z310 ESP

    The impressive 3.35 coil diameter of the DD Audio Power Tuned Z310 ESP offers you outstanding power delivery. The larger coil allows it to handle higher temperatures without overheating, which is especially important during high peak loads. This allows you to utilize the subwoofer's full performance without the risk of overloading. Compared to other subwoofers of this size, the coil diameter is exceptional and stands out noticeably with its power handling of 4000 watts RMS.

    High-quality neodymium magnet system for improved efficiency and performance

    The Power Tuned Z310 ESP features a patented neodymium magnet system with superior magnetic efficiency. Neodymium magnets are known for their high energy density, allowing for greater efficiency and more precise control over the subwoofer. By reducing magnetic loss, the subwoofer maximizes sound pressure with even lower distortion. This system is extremely compact yet powerful, making it easy to install in your car without sacrificing sound quality.

    Advanced lossless linear suspension for precise bass reproduction

    The lossless linear suspension of the DD Audio Power Tuned Z310 ESP ensures precise bass reproduction with minimal distortion. This technology ensures that the subwoofer's suspension remains under control even at high excursions, enabling clear, dynamic sound reproduction. The linear compressive stiffness of the suspension significantly optimizes sound quality, ensuring that every bass note sounds exactly as it should. This technology significantly differentiates itself from conventional suspension systems in subwoofers by offering extended durability and better performance stability.

    Robust aluminum die-cast basket construction for structural integrity

    The Z310 ESP features a die-cast aluminum basket, known for its excellent structural integrity and heat dissipation. The basket's robust design ensures long life and minimizes resonances that could otherwise compromise sound quality. Aluminum is also lightweight and offers excellent ductility, making it ideal for intensive use in high-performance subwoofers. The DD Audio subwoofer benefits from this construction, ensuring greater power handling and sound fidelity than competitive products in this category.

    Optimized free-flow cooling system for better thermal performance

    The Z310 ESP's free-flow cooling system utilizes long-pole valves to improve airflow to the voice coil. An optimized cooling device dissipates excess heat more effectively, contributing to the extended lifespan of the subwoofer. The innovative design also supports thermal stability during intensive use, ensuring exceptional power handling and sonic fidelity at increased operating power. Conventional cooling systems in subwoofers rarely achieve this level of efficiency and often fail to keep pace with such high power outputs.

    Ribbed foam surround for better adaptation to extreme sound levels

    The ribbed foam surround of the Z310 ESP supports adaptability and performance at extreme sound levels. Thanks to its sophisticated shape, this component provides additional stability for the cone and reduces unwanted vibrations during large excursions. This has a direct impact on sound quality, minimizing distortion and enabling even more authentic bass reproduction. DD Audio focused on structural rigidity that sets standards for application-oriented high-performance car speaker systems.

    Impressive visual accents and customer specifications

    Aesthetically, the Z310 ESP impresses with its red anodized accents on a black oxide coating. This subwoofer not only impresses with its technical superiority, but also with its outstanding visual design that visually enhances your vehicle interior. Personalization options such as CNC-machined motors and an engraved production number give the subwoofer a unique feel. You can also equip your model with custom dust caps, cones, and logo options to further tailor it to your needs.

    Intelligent Tuned Spider System for improved control and handling

    The Z310 ESP's Tuned Spider System (TSS) is specifically tuned for specific performance characteristics, including high definition, power handling, and stiff control. This system provides the subwoofer with more precise excursion adjustment, further enhancing overall performance in demanding sound scenarios. This feature-rich system offers significant advantages over conventional technology and enhances the subwoofer's overall control and durability under intensive use. For installation, Masori offers professional on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) , comprehensive expert support FAQ & help as well as in-depth information in the Audio Blog .