By Axton


4" (10cm) speaker set

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  • Nominal impedance at 4 ohms, sensitivity 86 dB, 60 Wrms.
  • Frequency response from 90 Hz to 25 kHz, 25 mm tweeter fabric dome.
  • Sheet steel basket, neodymium magnet with ferrofluid cooling, diffuser.
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GladenM 100 G2
Gladen-M 100 G2-4" (10cm) Lautsprecherset-masori-kaufen
Axton-ATC100-4" (10cm) Lautsprecherset-masori-kaufen
Regular price 89,10€
Regular price 99,00€ Sale price 89,10€

The ATC100S is a 4" (10cm) speaker set from Axton that impresses with its precise manufacturing and high-quality materials. The woofer/midrange speaker is equipped with a sheet steel basket, strontium ferrite magnet and a low-resonance polypropylene membrane. In addition, the NBR nitrile rubber surround and the rear-ventilated NOMEX centering spider ensure excellent sound quality. The tweeter has a 25 mm fabric dome and a neodymium magnet with ferrofluid cooling. The position of the crossover and the option of reducing the level provide additional flexibility. Other technical features include a frequency response of 90 Hz - 25 kHz, a nominal impedance of 4 ohms and a sensitivity of 86 dB. The set includes robust, gold-plated plug contacts and speaker grilles.



  • Precision-manufactured sheet steel basket
  • strontium ferrite magnet
  • Low-resonance polypropylene membrane
  • Linear working bead made of NBR nitrile rubber
  • Rear-ventilated NOMEX centering spider
  • voice coil on polyimide carrier
  • Hard gold-plated, corrosion-resistant plug contacts
  • LS grille included


  • 25 mm tweeter with fabric dome
  • diffuser for best spatial imaging
  • Powerful neodymium magnet with ferrofluid cooling
  • including mounting adapter for surface and recessed installation


  • Space-saving 6 dB/oct. in-line crossover
  • Level reduction for the tweeter -3 dB/0 dB


  • frequency response 90 Hz – 25 kHz
  • Nominal impedance 4 ohms
  • Sensitivity (1 W/1 m) 86 dB
  • nominal load capacity 60 Wrms
  • installation diameter 93 mm
  • installation depth 39 mm

Das ATC100S von Axton ist mit einem Frequenzgang von 90 Hz bis 25 kHz spezifiziert, bietet eine nominale Impedanz von 4 Ohm und eine Empfindlichkeit von 86 dB. Mit einer Nennbelastbarkeit von 60 Wrms ist das Lautsprecherset für leistungsstarken Klang konzipiert.
Die Tief/Mitteltöner des ATC100S verfügen über einen präzisionsgefertigten Stahlblechkorb und einen Strontium-Ferritmagneten. Die Polypropylen-Membran sorgt für eine resonanzarme Klangwiedergabe, während die NBR Nitrilgummi-Sicke für linearen Betrieb optimiert ist. Die hinterlüftete NOMEX Zentrierspinne unterstützt die Klangausgabe und hochwertige vergoldete Steckkontakte verbessern die Leitfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit, ideal für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen.
Der 25 mm Hochtöner des ATC100S ist mit einer Gewebekalotte ausgestattet und nutzt einen leistungsstarken Neodymmagneten mit Ferrofluidkühlung, was eine hohe Klangpräzision ermöglicht. Der integrierte Diffusor sorgt für eine optimale räumliche Abbildung. Diese technische Kombination erlaubt dem Lautsprecher, Höhen klar und detailliert wiederzugeben und verbessert die Gesamtklangqualität erheblich, insbesondere bei höheren Frequenzen im Bereich von 25 kHz.
Die Frequenzweiche im ATC100S ist eine platzsparende 6 dB/Oktave In-Line-Weiche, die für eine ordnungsgemäße Verteilung der Frequenzen zwischen Hoch- und Mitteltonbereich sorgt. Sie ermöglicht eine Pegelabsenkung des Hochtöners um -3 dB, was Anpassungen je nach akustischer Umgebung zulässt und somit eine flexible Klanggestaltung gewährleistet. Diese Funktionalität ist essenziell, um den Klangcharakter exakt einzustellen und das Set ideal auf individuelle Vorlieben abzustimmen.
Beim Einbau des ATC100S ist zu beachten, dass der Einbaudurchmesser 93 mm beträgt und die Einbautiefe 39 mm. Diese spezifischen Maße ermöglichen eine passgenaue Installation in vorgesehenen Montageräumlichkeiten. Mit dem beigelegten Montageadapter kannst Du den Hochtöner variabel aufbauen oder versenken, was in der Platzierung zusätzliche Flexibilität bietet. Achte darauf, dass die vergoldeten Steckkontakte korrekt verbunden werden, um die Klangqualität nicht zu beeinträchtigen und den elektrischen Widerstand zu minimieren.
Das ATC100S verwendet diverse hochwertige Materialien, die seine Klangqualität und Langlebigkeit steigern. Der Tief/Mitteltöner besitzt eine resonanzarme Polypropylen-Membran und eine lineare Sicke aus NBR Nitrilgummi. Der Stahlblechkorb bietet strukturelle Festigkeit, während die hinterlüftete NOMEX Zentrierspinne Funktionalität und Haltbarkeit sicherstellt. Im Hochtöner trifft man auf eine Gewebekalotte, in Verbindung mit einem Neodymmagnet und einer Ferrofluidkühlung, was entscheidend zur Präzision und Stabilität des Klangerlebnisses beiträgt.
Das ATC100S hat einen universellen Einbaudurchmesser von 93 mm, was es kompatibel mit vielen gängigen Automarken und Modellen macht. Die Kompatibilität hängt jedoch von den spezifischen Einbaumaßen Deines Fahrzeugs ab. Soweit der Platz für den 4" Lautsprecher vorhanden ist, sollte die Installation ohne Probleme möglich sein. Es ist ratsam, vor dem Kauf die Einbaumaße in Deinem Auto zu prüfen, um eine passgenaue Integration sicherzustellen und Eventualitäten beim Einbau zu vermeiden.
Die Ferrofluidkühlung im Hochtöner des ATC100S verbessert die magnetische Effizienz und unterstützt die Wärmeableitung, was dazu beiträgt, den Klang dynamisch und verzerrungsfrei zu halten. Diese Technologie hält die Komponenten auf einer optimalen Betriebstemperatur und verhindert Überhitzungen, selbst bei höheren Lautstärken. Gerade wenn Du gerne laut Musik hörst, ermöglicht diese Kühlung, dass der Lautsprecher dauerhaft eine gleichbleibend hohe Klangqualität abgibt, ohne dabei die strukturelle Integrität zu beeinträchtigen.
Die hart vergoldeten, korrosionsbeständigen Steckkontakte des ATC100S sorgen für eine hervorragende elektrische Leitfähigkeit und verringern Widerstandsverluste. Dadurch wird die Signalübertragung optimiert, was die Klangqualität maßgeblich positiv beeinflusst. Die Vergoldung schützt zudem vor Umwelteinflüssen wie Feuchtigkeit und Korrosion. Besonders in Umgebungen mit schwankender Luftfeuchtigkeit stellen diese Materialien sicher, dass die Verbindungen stabil und langlebig bleiben, ohne an Leistungsstärke zu verlieren.
Das ATC100S ermöglicht über die integrierte Frequenzweiche eine praktische Pegelabsenkung des Hochtöners um -3 dB. Diese Funktion ist nützlich, um den Klang an die individuellen Vorlieben oder die akustischen Gegebenheiten anzupassen und somit ein ausgewogenes Klangbild zu erzielen. Solche Anpassungen sind vorteilhaft, wenn es darum geht, einen überbetonten Hochtonbereich zu korrigieren. Dies hilft, eine homogene Klanglandschaft zu bewahren, die fein abgestimmt auf das individuelle Gehör reagieren kann.

ACR Brändli + Vögeli AG
Roland Brändli
Bohrturmweg 1
5330 Bad Zurzach

EU responsible person:
ACR S + V GmbH
Industriestr. 35
79787 Lauchringen


Product specifications


Product type


  • Highlights

    • Nominal impedance at 4 ohms, sensitivity 86 dB, 60 Wrms.
    • Frequency response from 90 Hz to 25 kHz, 25 mm tweeter fabric dome.
    • Sheet steel basket, neodymium magnet with ferrofluid cooling, diffuser.
  • Uvp



0.5 kg

Watt RMS power handling


Your benefits at Masori

Buy the 4 (10cm) speaker set Axton ATC100S at a great price on

With the Axton ATC100S speaker set, you'll immerse yourself in a world of high-quality audio experiences. These speakers offer exceptional sound fidelity. Equipped with a precision-machined steel basket and strontium ferrite magnets, the set ensures impressive sound quality. The low-resonance polypropylene cone combined with the rear-vented NOMEX spider maximizes sound precision. Experience the advantage of NBR nitrile rubber surrounds, which ensure linear cone movement. The tweeter impresses with a 25 mm fabric dome and a powerful neodymium magnet with ferrofluid cooling, ensuring stable heat dissipation. Secure the Axton ATC100S with our Masori Lowest Price Guarantee, which offers you the best price on the market.

Frequency response of 90 Hz – 25 kHz: Ideal for a wide sound spectrum

The Axton ATC100S's frequency response of 90 Hz to 25 kHz ensures complete in-car audio reproduction, accurately reproducing both low and high frequencies. This bandwidth covers the entire human hearing spectrum. Frequencies below 90 Hz are unusual for a speaker of this size; a subwoofer is often required for these. High-frequency ranges up to 25 kHz offer remarkable sonic brilliance and spatiality, ensuring that all musical details, including complex harmonics, are reproduced unadulterated. Compared to products with a limited frequency response, the Axton ATC100S offers clear advantages in music reproduction. A narrower frequency range could result in reduced-sounding bass or flat treble, while a wider range could result in less detail.

Nominal impedance of 4 ohms: Efficient performance for car hi-fi systems

With a nominal impedance of 4 ohms, the Axton ATC100S is perfectly suited to most car hi-fi systems. This impedance ensures efficient power transfer from the amplifier to the speakers. 4 ohms offers an ideal balance between power consumption and sound quality; most amplifiers are designed for this impedance. A lower impedance would allow the amplifier to deliver more current, but at the expense of speaker longevity. A higher impedance would deliver less power to the speakers, potentially resulting in reduced volume and dynamic range. The Axton ATC100S thus offers optimal impedance for clear sound with moderate power consumption.

Sensitivity of 86 dB: Optimal volume with low distortion

The Axton ATC100S's sensitivity of 86 dB (1 W/1 m) ensures impressive volume with minimal distortion, even at higher volumes. This means that at 1 watt of input power, the speaker set produces 86 dB of sound pressure—a value typical of efficient speakers. A higher sensitivity might have resulted in louder reproduction with less amplification, but at the expense of sound quality at higher volumes. A lower sensitivity may require the amplifier to provide more power to achieve the desired volume, which could result in higher distortion. This is where the Axton ATC100S offers an ideal solution for sound without distracting distortion.

25 mm fabric dome tweeter: Crystal clear mids and highs in the car

The ATC100S's 25 mm soft dome tweeter delivers outstanding mids and highs. This design minimizes coloration and enables clear, detailed reproduction across the entire listening spectrum. The integrated diffuser further improves spatial imaging, which is particularly noticeable in complex musical pieces or film audio. Compared to conventional plastic domes, the soft dome tweeter offers better damping of unwanted resonances and enhances the overall listening experience. The use of ferrofluid cooling in the magnet area also ensures stability under high loads and prevents overheating. Traditional designs would potentially limit clarity and excessive distortion. The neodymium magnet ensures consistent high-frequency reproduction and stable levels even during extended listening sessions.

Sheet steel basket and strontium ferrite magnet: Robust construction for longevity

The steel basket of the Axton ATC100S loudspeaker integrates seamlessly into the cabinet design, providing the entire unit with the necessary stability at high volumes. The integrated strontium ferrite magnet enhances the already powerful performance by generating a strong magnetic field for the voice coil. This combination increases robustness and ensures that the speakers can withstand rugged vibrations and mechanical stress without sacrificing sound fidelity. Compared to speakers with weaker magnets or less durable materials, the sound in extreme setups may suffer from the quality features offered by Axton. A lower magnetic force could impair bass reproduction, while alternative materials in the basket may be less resonance-optimized, thus compromising the sound experience.

Polypropylene membrane: Low-resonance sound reproduction and dynamics

The polypropylene diaphragm of the Axton ATC100S effectively minimizes distortion and enables low-resonance sound production. This material offers an ideal balance between stiffness and damping. It ensures that the diaphragm remains stable even under high loads and produces clean, distortion-free music. Polypropylene acts as a barrier against unwanted vibrations, which is often a problem with inferior materials. The smooth and responsive control of the diaphragm for extensive sound content with extremely impressive dynamics is significant. Lesser materials could potentially introduce additional vibrations and thus produce disturbing artifacts in musical pieces.

NBR nitrile rubber surround and NOMEX spider: Excellent controllability and performance

The ATC100S's NBR nitrile rubber surround allows for exceptional control over the cone's movement, minimizing unwanted oscillations and maintaining true-to-original reproduction. In parallel, the NOMEX spider is ventilated, improving air return and cooling of the speaker unit, allowing the voice coil to remain stable for longer under load. Both components contribute significantly to the speaker's long service life. Traditionally, alternative materials could experience reduced stiffness or flexibility, leading to unwanted sound changes over time. The synergy of nitrile rubber and NOMEX therefore offers a more powerful and dynamic reproduction, even at higher volumes.

Refined contact: Gold-plated plug contacts for optimal transmission

The ATC100S features hard gold-plated, corrosion-resistant connectors. These ensure a pristine and reliable connection in the signal path. Gold as a contact material minimizes transmission losses and prevents oxidation, which can occur with unplated metal contacts. This ultimately ensures the clarity and precision of sound transmission that our customers often demand. In applications with simpler connectors, long-term signal quality may degrade, leading to intermittent audio loss or interference.

Level reduction and crossover: Customizable audio settings

The ATC100S's integrated crossover provides a 6 dB/octave crossover that directs specialized audio output to the appropriate speaker units. This precise adjustment allows you to attenuate the tweeter by -3 dB or set it to 0 dB, depending on your individual sound needs. The refined crossover design ensures crystal-clear audio quality, while the gain reduction option allows you to further tailor the sound to your liking. A missing or faulty crossover design would create an illusion of sonic integration, whereas here you can expect impressive acoustic balance.

Complete set with grille: protection and style combined

The Axton ATC100S comes with robust LS grilles that not only protect the speaker from physical impact but also provide an attractive aesthetic addition. The grille structure is designed not to impede sound flow, but instead enhances the appearance both inside and out. Speakers without such protection can suffer damage or even deteriorate sound quality from the mechanical stresses of daily use. The LS grilles thus guarantee increased durability as well as a sophisticated design. Learn more about the on-site installation of this speaker set in Frankfurt (Oder) and benefit from our expert support, FAQs, and help for further knowledge on optimal sound tuning and system integration. Our audio blog also features numerous expert articles on how to further optimize the sound in your vehicle and maximize the capabilities of your vehicle's electronics.