Naviceiver accessories

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  • Plastic installation panel, compatible with Fiat Ducato from 2006.
  • Suitable for 9/10 inch devices, enables VN930, VN940-4G.
  • Supports models VN1030, VN1040-4G, VN1050-4G installation.
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brand: ESX
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Regular price 69,00€
Regular price 69,00€ Sale price 69,00€

The VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO from ESX is a navigation receiver accessory specifically designed for demanding requirements. Thanks to its high compatibility, it expands the functionality of your navigation receiver. With this accessory, you can optimally complement your navigation system and thus enhance your driving experience. Benefit from the quality and reliability that ESX offers. Ideal for anyone who wants to get more out of their navigation.


  • Plastic installation panel for Fiat Ducato platform from 2006
  • For the installation of 9/10-inch devices such as VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G, VN1050-4G

Das VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehör von ESX ist speziell für die Installation von 9/10-Zoll Geräten wie den Modellen VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G und VN1050-4G konzipiert. Diese breite Kompatibilität ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration in Ihr Navigationssystem, sodass du die erweiterten Funktionen optimal nutzen kannst. Die präzise Anpassung an diese Geräte gewährleistet eine stabile Verbindung und optimale Leistung deines Naviceivers.
Die Installation des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehörs auf der Fiat Ducato Plattform ab 2006 erfordert die Verwendung der spezifischen Kunststoff-Einbaublende. Diese Blende ist präzise gefertigt, um exakt in die vorgesehenen Einbaubereiche der Fiat Ducato Modelle ab Baujahr 2006 zu passen. Während der Montage wird das Zubehör fest in die Blende eingesetzt, wodurch eine stabile und sichere Befestigung gewährleistet ist. Achte darauf, alle Befestigungspunkte sorgfältig auszurichten, um eine optimale Integration und Funktionalität zu sicherzustellen.
Die Kunststoff-Einbaublende des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceivers besteht aus hochwertigem, widerstandsfähigem Kunststoff. Dieses Material bietet mehrere Vorteile, darunter eine hohe Haltbarkeit und Beständigkeit gegen Abnutzung, was die langfristige Nutzung unter verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen unterstützt. Zudem ermöglicht der Kunststoff eine präzise Fertigung, die eine exakte Passform und eine ästhetisch ansprechende Integration in das Fahrzeuginterieur gewährleistet. Die leichte Verarbeitung erleichtert zudem den Installationsprozess.
Das ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehör erweitert die Funktionalitäten deines Navigationssystems, indem es eine verbesserte Kompatibilität mit einer Vielzahl von 9/10-Zoll Geräten bietet. Durch die optimierte Integration kannst du erweiterte Funktionen wie detaillierte Kartenansichten, schnellere Prozessorgeschwindigkeiten und erweiterte Konnektivitätsoptionen nutzen. Außerdem ermöglicht das Zubehör eine stabilere Verbindung und verbesserte Signalverarbeitung, was die Gesamteffizienz und Leistungsfähigkeit deines Naviceivers steigert.
Die hohe Kompatibilität des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceivers wird durch spezifische technische Parameter sichergestellt. Dazu gehören die präzisen Maße der Kunststoff-Einbaublende, die exakt für die Fiat Ducato Plattform ab 2006 entwickelt wurde, sowie die Unterstützung für 9/10-Zoll Geräteformate, die bei den genannten Modellen VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G und VN1050-4G verwendet werden. Zusätzlich sorgen die hochwertigen Verbindungsstecker und die robuste Konstruktion für eine zuverlässige Integration und optimale Leistung innerhalb des Navigationssystems.
Bei der Einrichtung des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceivers solltest du zunächst die passende Kunststoff-Einbaublende für die Fiat Ducato Plattform ab 2006 vorbereiten. Montiere dann das Zubehör fest in die Blende und verbinde die entsprechenden Kabel mit deinem 9/10-Zoll Navigationsgerät wie dem VN930 oder VN940-4G. Stelle sicher, dass alle Verbindungen sicher und korrekt sitzen, um eine optimale Funktionalität zu gewährleisten. Nach der physischen Installation ist es wichtig, das Navigationssystem zu kalibrieren und die Firmware gegebenenfalls zu aktualisieren, um die erweiterten Funktionen vollständig nutzen zu können.
Die hohe Kompatibilität des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceivers ermöglicht eine nahtlose Integration mit einer Vielzahl von 9/10-Zoll Navigationsgeräten wie den Modellen VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G und VN1050-4G. Dies gewährleistet nicht nur eine stabile Verbindung, sondern auch eine verbesserte Performance und erweiterte Funktionalitäten. Durch die passgenaue Konstruktion und die hochwertigen Materialien erfolgt die Installation effizient und ohne Kompromisse bei der Leistung, was dein Fahrerlebnis insgesamt optimiert.
Das ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehör liefert detaillierte Anweisungen für die Installation auf der Fiat Ducato Plattform ab 2006. Beginne mit der Vorbereitung der Kunststoff-Einbaublende und der Auswahl des passenden 9/10-Zoll Navigationsgeräts. Stelle sicher, dass alle Kabelverbindungen sauber und sicher sind, um Signalverluste zu vermeiden. Achte darauf, dass das Zubehör korrekt in die Blende eingesetzt wird und alle Befestigungspunkte fest verschraubt sind. Nach der mechanischen Installation überprüfe die elektrischen Verbindungen und kalibriere das System, um eine optimale Funktionalität zu gewährleisten.
Das ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehör ist speziell für die Fiat Ducato Plattform ab Baujahr 2006 entwickelt worden. Diese Fokussierung auf die Fiat Ducato Modelle gewährleistet eine optimale Passform und Funktionalität innerhalb dieser Fahrzeugreihe. Für andere Automarken und Modelle bietet das Zubehör keine garantierte Kompatibilität, da die Kunststoff-Einbaublende und die technischen Spezifikationen genau auf die spezifischen Anforderungen und Abmessungen der Fiat Ducato abgestimmt sind. Daher ist es primär für Fiat Ducato Nutzer geeignet, die ihre Navigationssysteme erweitern möchten.
Die Kunststoff-Einbaublende des ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceivers bietet durch ihr hochwertiges Material mehrere technische Vorteile. Sie ist leicht, aber dennoch robust, was die Stabilität während der Nutzung gewährleistet und gleichzeitig die Handhabung während der Installation erleichtert. Zudem ermöglicht die präzise Fertigung eine exakte Passform in die Fiat Ducato Plattform ab 2006, wodurch Kabelsalat und Signalstörungen minimiert werden. Außerdem trägt die Kunststoffstruktur zur Reduzierung von Vibrationen bei, was die Langlebigkeit der elektrischen Verbindungen und die Gesamtleistung des Navigationssystems verbessert.
Das ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver Zubehör optimiert die Signalverarbeitung durch seine passgenaue Integration und die hochwertigen Verbindungselemente. Die spezifische Anpassung an kompatible 9/10-Zoll Geräte wie VN930 und VN1040-4G sorgt dafür, dass die Signale ohne Verluste oder Interferenzen übertragen werden. Dadurch werden die Empfangsqualität und die Reaktionszeiten des Navigationssystems verbessert. Zusätzlich unterstützt das Zubehör fortschrittliche Signalfilter, die unerwünschte Störungen minimieren und eine klare, präzise Datenübertragung ermöglichen, was die Effizienz und Genauigkeit der Navigation erhöht.

Audio Design Loudspeaker Sales GmbH
Am Breilingsweg 3
76709 Kronau

Authorized Managing Director:
Bruno Dammert


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  • Highlights

    • Plastic installation panel, compatible with Fiat Ducato from 2006.
    • Suitable for 9/10 inch devices, enables VN930, VN940-4G.
    • Supports models VN1030, VN1040-4G, VN1050-4G installation.


0.1 kg

Your benefits at Masori

ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO Naviceiver accessories buy cheap online at

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO offers a precise fit for the Fiat Ducato platform from 2006 and allows the installation of 9/10-inch navigation receivers such as the VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G, and VN1050-4G. The plastic mounting panel ensures a durable and stable integration into your vehicle. The high compatibility expands the functionality of your navigation receiver, significantly improving your driving experience. Benefit from the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee and purchase this high-quality accessory at the best prices. Experience the quality and reliability of ESX with your next purchase at

Plastic installation panel for Fiat Ducato: precision and durability

The plastic mounting panel of the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is specifically designed for the Fiat Ducato platform from 2006 onwards. It fits perfectly into the existing body opening and provides seamless integration of your navigation receiver. The high-quality plastic ensures a long service life and withstands the daily stresses and strains of the vehicle. This precisely manufactured mounting panel minimizes installation effort and ensures secure attachment of your 9/10-inch device. Its smooth surface blends aesthetically into the vehicle's design and prevents vibrations and noise while driving.

Maximum compatibility with 9/10-inch naviceivers: Versatile applications

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is compatible with a wide range of 9/10-inch navigation receivers, including models such as the VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G, and VN1050-4G. This broad compatibility allows you to expand your existing navigation system without any modifications or install a new high-performance device. The accessory's precise dimensions ensure trouble-free installation and optimal alignment of your navigation receiver. This ensures that all of your navigation device's features are fully utilized and provides a first-class user experience.

High-quality plastic for reliable installation

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO uses high-quality plastic that is not only robust and durable, but also allows for easy installation. The material is resistant to extreme temperatures and UV radiation, guaranteeing long-term use without loss of quality. The precise molding of the plastic ensures that all attachment points fit precisely and provide a stable mount for your navigation receiver. This ensures a secure and vibration-free installation, which increases the longevity of your device and the installation panel itself.

Optimal extension of the naviceiver functionalities

With the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO, you can significantly expand the functionality of your navigation receiver. This accessory allows for seamless integration of additional modules and add-ons that enhance the performance and versatility of your navigation system. The expanded connectivity allows you to take advantage of modern features such as advanced GPS functions, improved maps, and additional interfaces for peripheral devices. This optimizes the use of your navigation system and provides you with a more comprehensive and reliable driving experience.

Precise fit for Fiat Ducato models from 2006

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is specifically designed for Fiat Ducato models from 2006 onwards. This precise fit ensures that the installation panel fits exactly into the designated openings of your vehicle, without requiring any additional adjustments or modifications. The specific adaptation to the Fiat Ducato platform guarantees optimal integration and functionality, allowing you to rely on a smooth and stable installation. This ensures that your navigation receiver is perfectly integrated into the design and structure of your vehicle.

Easy installation for professional results

Thanks to its careful design and detailed instructions, installing the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is quick and easy. The plastic mounting panel fits seamlessly into the existing vehicle structure and allows for stable mounting of your navigation receiver without the need for additional tools or complex steps. For an even easier installation, offers on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) , where professional technicians will expertly install your accessories. This way, you can be sure that your navigation receiver is optimally installed and that you can immediately benefit from the improved features.

High-quality workmanship for long-lasting use

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is distinguished by its high-quality craftsmanship. Every component is precisely manufactured to ensure a perfect fit and durability. The plastic used is not only robust but also flexible enough to adapt to minor irregularities in the vehicle's structure. This reduces the risk of damage and extends the lifespan of the accessory. ESX's meticulous quality control ensures that every product meets the high standards you expect from a premium navigation receiver accessory.

Support and resources for optimal use offers comprehensive expert support, FAQs, and help to ensure you get the most out of your ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO. Should you have any questions during installation or use, a knowledgeable support team is available to help. Additionally, you can find valuable tips and tricks on the Audio Blog to further optimize your navigation experience. These resources will help you effectively utilize all of your navigation receiver's features and enjoy an unparalleled driving experience.

Enhanced functionality for an improved driving experience

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO allows you to expand your navigation receiver with additional features and modules that significantly enhance the driving experience. By integrating this high-quality accessory, you can utilize modern navigation features that optimize your route planning and vehicle control. Expanded compatibility with various navigation receivers gives you the flexibility to customize your system, creating a solution tailored to your specific needs. This leads to more efficient use of your system and an overall improved driving experience.

Excellent compatibility with ESX Naviceivers

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is specifically designed to work seamlessly with a range of ESX navigation receivers. This compatibility ensures optimal use of all of your device's features and interfaces. Whether you own a VN930, VN940-4G, VN1030, VN1040-4G, or VN1050-4G, this accessory offers the perfect complement to maximize the performance of your navigation receiver. The tight integration enables a stable connection and ensures reliable communication between your device and the vehicle software, resulting in smooth and efficient use.

Masori Lowest Price Guarantee for best prices

When you purchase the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO from, you benefit from the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee. This guarantee ensures that you receive the high-quality accessory at the best available price. Should a comparable product be offered cheaper elsewhere, will match the price, so you can always be sure you're getting the best deal. This price guarantee makes your purchase not only secure but also cost-effective, allowing you to invest in high-quality navigation receiver accessories without exceeding your budget.

Optimal addition to your navigation system

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is the ideal addition to your existing navigation system. By expanding its functionality, you can integrate additional modules and devices that enhance your navigation and vehicle control. This allows for more accurate and efficient route planning, as well as better visibility into your vehicle's status. The precise fit and high-quality workmanship of the accessories ensure seamless and reliable integration of your devices, making your entire navigation system more powerful and user-friendly.

Additional accessories and installation

In addition to the plastic mounting panel, the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO offers the option of integrating additional accessories to expand your navigation system. This includes additional interfaces, adapters, and modules that can enhance the functionality of your system. Thanks to the precise design of the accessories, installing these additional components is simple and straightforward. For professional installation, you can take advantage of on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) , which ensures that all components are optimally installed and configured.

Robust construction for long-term use

The robust construction of the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO ensures long-term use without loss of quality. The durable plastic withstands the daily wear and tear of a vehicle and ensures your navigation receiver is safe and secure at all times. The stable mounting prevents movement and vibration that could impair your device's performance. This durable construction makes the accessory a reliable solution for anyone who values ​​a permanent and stable integration of their navigation receiver.

Efficient adaptation to different models

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO offers efficient adaptation to various Fiat Ducato models from 2006 onwards. This versatility allows you to use the accessory in a variety of vehicles without compromising on fit or functionality. The precise design adaptation ensures that the installation panel fits perfectly in every vehicle version and ensures optimal integration of your navigation receiver. This way, you can be sure that regardless of your specific Fiat Ducato model, the accessory always represents the perfect solution.

Improved usability and ease of use

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO significantly improves the usability of your navigation receiver. The precise fit and stable installation ensure all controls are easily accessible and the device is securely mounted. This allows for intuitive and comfortable use while driving, without distractions or complications. The improved integration makes the navigation system easier to operate and offers a smoother user experience, allowing you to fully concentrate on driving.

High-quality materials for optimal performance

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO is constructed from high-quality materials that ensure optimal performance and durability. The robust plastic ensures a stable and durable mount for your navigation receiver, while the precise craftsmanship allows for seamless integration into your vehicle's design. These high-quality materials help ensure the accessory can withstand the daily rigors of vehicle use while also offering an aesthetically pleasing solution. Thus, you benefit from a combination of functionality and attractive design that meets your needs.

Extended functionality through high compatibility

The ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO's high compatibility with various navigation receivers allows you to significantly expand the functionality of your system. This expansion enables the use of additional features such as enhanced GPS functions, better map updates, and additional interfaces for external devices. The precise adaptation of the accessories ensures that all advanced functions can be used smoothly and without compatibility issues. This results in improved overall performance of your navigation system and a more comfortable driving experience.

Guarantee and support for maximum satisfaction

When you purchase the ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO from, you not only receive a high-quality product, but also comprehensive warranty and support services.'s expert support FAQ & Help is available to provide quick and competent assistance with any questions or problems. The warranty conditions ensure that you can use your accessory without worry, as any defects or malfunctions are covered. This comprehensive support guarantees your maximum satisfaction and worry-free use of your ESX VNA-EB-DBJ-EVO.