By Ground Zero

GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y sold by the meter

20mm² power cable

Regular price 5,99€
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  • Diameter: 20 mm², Material: CCA cable, Color: Black, Yellow.
  • Highly flexible, for easy handling and installation, flexible.
  • Price per meter, CCA composite material, delivered in one piece.
Color: Yellow
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brand: Ground Zero
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Available for delivery, with you in 1-4 days
1 meter
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Regular price 5,99€
Regular price 5,99€ Sale price 5,99€

The GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y bulk cable from Ground Zero is a 20 mm² power cable ideal for reliable power supply. With a 20 mm² diameter and CCA (copper-aluminum composite) conductors, it offers high flexibility for easy handling and installation. The negative conductor is available in black (GZPC 20B) and the positive conductor in yellow (GZPC 20Y). You can order the bulk cable as needed, as the price is per meter and the cable is delivered in one continuous piece.


  • Cable type: Power cable for reliable power supply
  • Diameter: 20 mm²
  • Material: CCA cables (copper-aluminum composite)
  • Color: Black (negative line) GZPC 20B
  • Color: Yellow (positive wire) GZPC 20Y
  • Flexibility: Highly flexible for easy handling and installation

Scope of delivery

  • The price indicated corresponds to the price for one meter, add the desired quantity to the shopping cart, the cable will be delivered in one piece.
  • Maximum possible length in one piece 50 meters

Das GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y von Ground Zero besteht aus einem Kupfer-Aluminium-Verbund, bekannt als CCA-Leitung. Dieser Materialmix vereint die Leitfähigkeit von Kupfer mit der Leichtigkeit von Aluminium, wodurch das Kabel sowohl effizient in der Stromübertragung als auch kosteneffizient ist. Gerade bei Anwendungen, in denen Flexibilität und Gewichtsreduzierung entscheidend sind, bietet diese Materialzusammensetzung erhebliche Vorteile. Die Kombination wurde technisch optimiert, um die benötigte Leistung zu erbringen, wobei das Verhältnis zwischen Kupfer und Aluminium ein spezifisches Gewicht ergibt, das ideal für den Einsatz im Automobilbereich ist. Hinzu kommt, dass die CCA-Leitung die Verarbeitungs- und Installationsmöglichkeiten erweitert.
Ein Durchmesser von 20 mm² bei einem Stromkabel wie dem GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y gewährleistet eine hohe Stromtragfähigkeit, was für Anwendungen mit hohen Leistungsanforderungen unerlässlich ist. Die großzügige Querschnittsfläche erlaubt eine effiziente Stromübertragung, minimiert Spannungsverluste und ist ideal für anspruchsvolle Car-Audio-Setups. Zudem bietet dieser Querschnitt den Vorteil von physischer Robustheit, wodurch das Kabel weniger anfällig für mechanische Schäden ist. Die Größe ist eine gute Balance zwischen Flexibilität und Widerstandsfähigkeit, was insbesondere bei der Verlegung im Fahrzeug von Bedeutung ist, um Kurven und Beugungen ohne Beschädigung zu realisieren.
Die Flexibilität des GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabels, gefertigt aus CCA-Leitungen, ist herausragend und vereinfacht die Installation erheblich. Diese hohe Flexibilität resultiert aus der ausgewogenen Materialkombination und der Kabelkonstruktion, die es ermöglicht, das Kabel auch in engen Räumen leicht zu verlegen. Insbesondere für den privaten Kfz-Bereich ist solch eine Eigenschaft wünschenswert, da Kabel durch Karosserieöffnungen oder um Ecken geführt werden müssen. Die Materialstruktur ermöglicht es, das Kabel ohne Knicken oder dauerhafte Verformung zu manipulieren, was eine überragende Anpassungsfähigkeit an verschiedene Installationsszenarien zur Folge hat.
Die spezifischen Farben der GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabel von Ground Zero unterstreichen die Zuordnung der elektrischen Polarität im Einsatz. Das GZPC 20B ist in Schwarz gehalten und dient typischerweise als Minusleitung, um den Masseanschluss zu kennzeichnen. Auf der anderen Seite ist das GZPC 20Y in einer markanten Gelbfarbe gestaltet, was es als Plusleitung hervorhebt und die Spannungszuführung visualisiert. Diese Farbcodierung erleichtert die Identifikation der elektrischen Verbindungen beim Einbau und verringert das Risiko von Verbindungsfehlern, was insbesondere in komplexen Audiokonfigurationen wichtig ist.
Das GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabel von Ground Zero kann maximal in einer Stücklänge von 50 Metern geliefert werden. Diese großzügige Maximallänge ermöglicht umfangreiche Installationen ohne Unterbrechung oder Kopplungen, was insbesondere in großflächigen Anwendungen Vorteile bietet. Die ununterbrochene Länge trägt dazu bei, Übergangswiderstände zu minimieren und die elektrische Effizienz aufrechtzuerhalten. Sei es in professionellen Car-Audio-Systemen oder in umfangreichen Fahrzeugmodifikationen, diese Option, das Kabel in einer durchgängigen Länge zu beziehen, bietet Planungs- und Verarbeitungsfreiheit für weitläufige Installationsprojekte.
Bei der Bestellung der GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Meterware wird die Lieferung des Kabels, auf Wunsch des Kunden, in der gewünschten Länge am Stück abgewickelt. Jede Bestellung wird gemäß der angegebenen Meteranzahl ausgerollt und auf Kundenwunschmaß zugeschnitten, um einen nahtlosen Installationsprozess zu gewährleisten. Die Lieferung erfolgt in einer praktischen Ringeinheit, die den Transport erleichtert und das Kabel vor Beschädigungen während des Versands schützt. Der Käufer hat somit die Möglichkeit, die präzise benötigte Länge ohne Stückelung oder zusätzlichen Verschnitt zu erhalten, was die Kostenoptimierung und Effizienz fördert.
Die CCA-Leitung (Kupfer-Aluminium-Verbund) des GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabels optimiert dessen Einsatz insbesondere in der Automobilindustrie und für Car-Audio-Anwendungen. Aufgrund der Kombination von Kupfers exzellenter Leitfähigkeit und Aluminiums Leichtigkeit, eignet sich die Leitung hervorragend für leistungsstarke Audio-Setups im Fahrzeug. Diese Konstruktion reduziert das Gesamtgewicht des Kabelsystems und sorgt für effizientere Installation und Handhabung. Gleichzeitig spart die CCA-Leitung Kosten, ohne nennenswerte Kompromisse bei den körperlichen und elektrischen Schutzeigenschaften wie Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Flexibilität im Vergleich zu reinen Kupferleitungen.
Die Installation des GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabels ist dank seiner hochflexiblen CCA-Leitung besonders anwenderfreundlich. Diese Flexibilität sorgt für eine intuitive Kabelführung, was besonders bei der Verlegung in beengten Fahrzeugbereichen oder komplexen Audiosystemen wichtig ist. Die klare Polaritätskennzeichnung durch die Farbcodierung (Schwarz für die Minus- und Gelb für die Plusleitung) reduziert potenzielle Installationsfehler. Beim Schnitt auf die benötigte Länge entstehen freie Enden, die ohne großen Aufwand mit handelsüblichen Kabelschuhen oder Klemmen verbunden werden können, wodurch eine fehlerfreie und passgenaue Verbindung gewährleistet wird.
Das GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Stromkabel von Ground Zero ist so konstruiert, dass es typischen Temperaturbedingungen im Automobilumfeld widersteht. Dank der CCA-Leitung und der robusten Isolierung arbeitet das Kabel zuverlässig bei Temperaturen, die in Fahrzeugumgebungen durch Motorwärme oder Sonnenexposition auftreten können. Diese Resilienz schützt vor Materialermüdungen und Leitungsbruch, die bei extremen Temperaturschwankungen oft auftreten können. Das gewährleistet eine langfristige Stabilität der elektrischen Anlagen im Fahrzeug, und das Kabel bleibt selbst in kritischen Umgebungen flexibel und funktional.
Das GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Kabel zeichnet sich durch eine Reihe von Merkmalen aus, die es ideal für Car-Audio-Systeme machen. Die CCA-Leitung bietet eine perfekte Balance zwischen Leitfähigkeit und Gewicht, was bei der Stromversorgung von Verstärkern im Fahrzeug essentiell ist. Der 20 mm² Durchmesser sorgt für eine niedrige Impedanz und hohe Stromübertragungseffizienz, wodurch Verstärker in der Lage sind, akkurate und leistungsstarke Audioausgaben zu erzeugen. Die hohe Flexibilität unterstützt die Verlegung des Kabels durch unzugängliche Fahrzeugbereiche ohne Knicke oder Brüche, was unmittelbar die Soundqualität und die Lebensdauer der Installation beeinflusst.

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Product specifications


Product type


  • Highlights

    • Diameter: 20 mm², Material: CCA cable, Color: Black, Yellow.
    • Highly flexible, for easy handling and installation, flexible.
    • Price per meter, CCA composite material, delivered in one piece.
  • Uvp



0.2 kg

Your benefits at Masori

Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cables: Buy highly flexible 20 mm² CCA cables for optimal power supply

Benefit from the Masori lowest price guarantee and buy the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable online at This 20 mm² power cable features a reliable combination of copper and aluminum thanks to its CCA conductors, ensuring flexibility and durability. With a maximum length of 50 meters per cable, you can order the ideal length by the meter to meet your needs. The cable's high flexibility makes installation much easier, allowing you to effortlessly integrate it into your car hi-fi system. Order now and secure the best power supply for your vehicle.

Technical specifications of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: 20 mm² diameter for maximum current

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable features an impressive 20 mm² diameter, making it ideal for high-performance car hi-fi applications. A larger diameter allows for higher current carrying capacity, minimizing power losses and maximizing the efficiency of your audio system. This specification is especially important for amplifiers and other devices that require a stable and powerful power supply. A thicker cable cross-section reduces resistance and ensures a consistent power supply, contributing to improved sound quality and system performance.

CCA conductors in Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cables: copper-aluminum composite for optimal conductivity

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable uses CCA (copper-aluminum composite) conductors, which offer excellent conductivity. This material combination ensures efficient power transfer and reduces the overall cable resistance. CCA conductors are particularly advantageous in automotive applications because they are lightweight yet robust. The use of CCA contributes to reducing weight and cost without compromising performance. This makes the GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an ideal choice for demanding car hi-fi systems.

Color coding of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cables: Black for minus and yellow for plus for clear installations

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is color-coded, with the negative wire available in black (GZPC 20B) and the positive wire in yellow (GZPC 20Y). This clear color separation greatly simplifies installation by preventing confusion and misconnections. The color coding is especially useful for organizing cables in tight vehicle spaces, where clarity and simplicity are critical. Clear labeling ensures that power is delivered correctly and efficiently, increasing the reliability of your car hi-fi system.

Highly flexible construction of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Easy handling and installation

The highly flexible design of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable allows for easy handling and installation in your vehicle. Flexibility is critical for easily routing the cable through tight spaces and around complex curves without damaging it or compromising performance. This feature makes the GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable ideal for vehicle installations where space and maneuverability are limited. The high flexibility also helps extend the lifespan of the cable, as it is less susceptible to breaks and cracks that can be caused by constant movement and flexing.

Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable sold by the meter: Order accuracy and adaptability for individual requirements

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is sold by the meter, allowing maximum customization and ordering accuracy for your specific needs. You can precisely select the required length and ensure you purchase exactly the quantity you need, without unnecessary excess. This flexibility is especially beneficial for custom car hi-fi installations where cable lengths may vary. Additionally, the cable is supplied in one continuous piece, simplifying installation and improving the quality of the power connection, as fewer connection points are required.

Maximum length per piece for Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Up to 50 meters for comprehensive installations

Each piece of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable can be up to 50 meters long, allowing for comprehensive and continuous power delivery. This maximum length is ideal for extensive car hi-fi systems that require a large number of components and extensive cabling. By providing long cable lengths, Ground Zero minimizes the need for unnecessary connections and connectors, increasing the integrity of the power supply and reducing potential points of failure. A continuous power line ensures consistent performance and contributes to the overall stability of your audio system.

Adaptation of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable to individual vehicle configurations

The flexibility of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable by the meter allows you to choose the exact length based on your vehicle's specific configuration. This is especially useful for custom installations where cable lengths may vary. By ordering only the required amount, you avoid excess cable and streamline the installation. This results in cleaner and more efficient wiring, which not only improves performance but also enhances the aesthetic appearance of your car audio system.

Scope of delivery and ordering process of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Easy ordering and flexible delivery

When you purchase the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable from, you will receive the cable sold by the meter, with the price indicated per meter. This allows for flexible ordering according to your needs, without fixed length specifications. The cable is delivered in one continuous piece, which facilitates handling and installation and ensures the quality of the power connection. The ordering process is user-friendly, so you can simply add the desired quantity to your shopping cart and place your order. This simplicity and flexibility make purchasing this cabling product quick and efficient.

Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Optimal compatibility with various car brands for versatile application

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is designed to be compatible with a wide range of car brands, making it a versatile choice for different vehicle types. This compatibility ensures that you can easily install the cable regardless of your vehicle's make. Whether you own a sports car, an SUV, or a compact car, this power cable flexibly adapts to the specific requirements of your vehicle. This makes the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable a universal solution for demanding car hi-fi enthusiasts.

Durability and reliability of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: High-quality materials for lasting performance

Utilizing high-quality CCA conductors and a rugged construction, the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable offers exceptional durability and reliability. These materials withstand the demanding conditions within a vehicle, including severe vibrations, temperature fluctuations, and humidity. The durable construction ensures the cable delivers consistent performance even under extreme conditions, increasing the overall efficiency and lifespan of your car hi-fi system. This makes the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable a worthwhile investment for long-term audio performance.

Ease of installation of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: User-friendly design for effortless integration

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable was developed with a user-friendly design that allows for simple and effortless integration into your car hi-fi system. The high flexibility and clear color-coding of the negative and positive wires reduce installation effort and minimize the possibility of errors. Furthermore, the meter-supplied cable allows for precise adjustment of the cable length to your specific installation needs. These design features simplify cabling and ensure you can set up your audio system quickly and efficiently without compromising on performance.

Price-performance ratio of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Maximum performance at a fair price thanks to

With the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable, you get a high-quality solution for your power supply needs at a fair price. Thanks to the meter-sold cable and the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee, you can order the cable exactly as you need it and save money. This cost-effective solution also offers first-class technical features normally found only in more expensive products. The combination of high performance, flexibility, and attractive pricing makes the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an excellent choice for any car hi-fi enthusiast who values ​​quality and cost-effectiveness.

Adaptable delivery options for the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Flexibility when ordering for individual projects

When you purchase the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable from, you benefit from flexible delivery options that perfectly adapt to your individual projects. You can order the exact length you need, which is especially advantageous for specific installations that require different cable lengths. Delivery in one continuous piece ensures that you receive the cable unaltered and in perfect condition, facilitating installation and long-term use. This adaptability makes the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an ideal choice for customized car hi-fi solutions.

High-quality materials of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: CCA conductors for improved power transmission and durability

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is constructed from high-quality CCA (copper-aluminum composite) conductors, providing improved power transfer and durability. This choice of material ensures efficient conductivity and minimizes voltage drop, which is especially important for high-performance car hi-fi systems. The CCA conductors also offer greater resistance to corrosion and environmental factors, extending the cable's lifespan and ensuring a reliable power supply. These high-quality materials make the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable a robust and high-performance choice for demanding audio applications.

Optimized frequency response through the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Ensuring clear and precise audio performance

Although the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is primarily designed for power supply, its high-quality construction indirectly contributes to the optimized frequency response of your car hi-fi system. A stable and undelayed current flow allows amplifiers and other audio components to deliver their full power without interruption. This results in clearer and more precise audio performance, as the components can operate optimally. A reliable power cable like the GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y minimizes interference and noise, contributing to a clean and undistorted sound.

Efficient power supply with the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Maximize audio performance through stable power supply

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable ensures an efficient and stable power supply, essential for maximizing the audio performance of your car hi-fi system. The use of 20 mm² CCA conductors ensures optimal current transfer, minimizing power loss and maximizing the overall performance of your system. A stable power supply is crucial for avoiding audio distortion and signal dropouts, resulting in a clearer and more powerful sound. This power cable ensures that your audio components always receive the power they need to perform at their best.

Reliable power supply in the vehicle with the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: safety and efficiency for your car hi-fi system

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable provides reliable power for your car hi-fi system, ensuring both safety and efficiency. The robust CCA construction protects against overheating and short circuits, while the 20 mm² diameter provides sufficient current to reliably power all components of your system. This combination of safety and efficiency ensures that your car hi-fi system always functions optimally, without risk of failure or damage. Invest in this high-quality power cable to ensure the longevity and performance of your audio equipment.

Advantages of the CCA conductors in the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Cost efficiency and improved performance for car hi-fi enthusiasts

The use of CCA (copper-aluminum composite) conductors in the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable offers numerous advantages for car hi-fi enthusiasts. CCA conductors combine the excellent conductivity of copper with the lightness and cost-effectiveness of aluminum, resulting in an excellent price-performance ratio. This material combination enables effective power transmission while maintaining a low weight, making installation and handling easier in the vehicle. In addition, CCA offers good resistance to oxidation and corrosion, further increasing the cable's durability and reliability. These advantages make the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an ideal choice for demanding car hi-fi installations.

Mounting position of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable in the vehicle: Flexible installation options for optimal placement

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable can be flexibly integrated into various mounting positions in the vehicle to ensure optimal placement of your car hi-fi components. The cable's high flexibility allows you to easily route it through tight cabin spaces and around complex vehicle structures without causing stress or damage. This gives you the freedom to place your audio equipment exactly where it works best without compromising on the wiring. This adaptability ensures that your car hi-fi system can be installed in a way that is both high-performance and aesthetically pleasing.

Ensure reliable power supply with the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Efficient power transmission for first-class audio quality

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is essential for ensuring a reliable power supply for your car hi-fi system. The efficient power transfer of the 20 mm² CCA conductors prevents voltage drops from affecting the performance of the audio components. This ensures that amplifiers and speakers always receive the power they need to deliver premium audio quality. A stable and efficient power supply is crucial for avoiding sound distortion and maximizing overall sound performance, making the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an essential component for any high-quality car hi-fi system. as a reliable partner for the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Best quality and service for car hi-fi enthusiasts

At, you'll find the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable at unbeatable prices thanks to the Masori Lowest Price Guarantee. This online shop not only offers a wide range of high-quality car hi-fi products, but also first-class customer service and fast delivery. You'll benefit from detailed product information and a user-friendly ordering process that allows you to quickly and easily purchase the perfect power cable for your system. is the ideal place for car hi-fi enthusiasts looking for reliable and high-performance components to take their audio system to the next level.

Efficient power transmission through the 20 mm² diameter of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Maximizing car hi-fi performance

The 20 mm² diameter of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is crucial for efficient power transfer in your car hi-fi system. A larger cable cross-section reduces resistance and minimizes voltage drops, allowing all the power to be transferred more efficiently to the audio components. This results in improved performance of your car hi-fi system, as the amplifier and speakers are consistently supplied with the necessary power. This diameter is ideal for high-performance audio systems that require a stable and reliable power source to achieve the best possible sound quality.

Installation Tips for the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y Power Cable: Best Practices for Safe and Effective Cabling

To optimally install the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable, please follow these steps: Determine the required cable length and order the appropriate meter-length cable from Ensure the color code is correct—black for the negative wire and yellow for the positive wire. Route the cable flexibly through the vehicle to avoid sharp kinks and damage. Use suitable cable ties and protective conduits to securely fasten the cable and protect it from mechanical stress. Ensure that the connectors are firmly and cleanly soldered to ensure a stable power connection. These tips will help you achieve safe and effective wiring that maximizes the performance of your car hi-fi system.

Compatibility of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable with car hi-fi components: Seamless integration for highest audio performance

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable is fully compatible with a wide range of car hi-fi components, including amplifiers, subwoofers, and speakers. This compatibility ensures seamless integration into your existing system without the need for any modifications or additional adapters. Thanks to the high-quality CCA conductors and 20 mm² diameter, the cable can easily meet the power requirements of even the most powerful components, ensuring a stable and reliable power supply. This versatility makes the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable an ideal choice for most car hi-fi systems, regardless of their complexity or power output.

High-quality workmanship of the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Robust construction for long-term reliability

The Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable impresses with its high-quality workmanship and robust construction, guaranteeing long-term reliability. The combination of CCA conductors and flexible materials ensures that the cable remains stable even under demanding conditions, such as strong vibration and temperature fluctuations. Careful color separation and solid insulation protect against short circuits and other electrical problems that could affect the performance of your car hi-fi system. This durable construction ensures you receive a consistent and reliable power supply that meets the demanding requirements of your audio system.

Increase the efficiency of your car hi-fi system with the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable: Optimized power distribution for maximum performance

By using the Ground Zero GZPC 20B/GZPC 20Y power cable, you can significantly increase the efficiency of your car hi-fi system. The optimized power distribution, enabled by the 20 mm² CCA conductors, ensures that all components are constantly supplied with the necessary amount of power. This prevents performance degradation and ensures consistent performance throughout your entire audio system. Optimized power distribution is crucial for maximizing power and sound quality, as it ensures that all audio components can deliver their best performance. Invest in this high-quality power cable to unlock the full potential of your car hi-fi system.