By B2 Audio



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  • Material 100% polyacrylic, color black, embroidered brand logo.
  • Versatile in styling, goes with both casual and cool outfits.
  • Easy care, durable material, stylish design guaranteed.
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The  B2 BEANIE, one of B2 Audio's most casual headwear. This black beanie captivates with its simple yet stylish design and is made of 100% polyacrylic. The brand logo is carefully embroidered, which highlights the unique charm of this cap. With its universal color scheme, the B2 BEANIE allows for a variety of styling options. You will appreciate its versatility, whether you want to wear it casually or cool. It will never be too loud to love this beanie!

B2 Audio branded beanie hat! It can never be B2 loud!
  • Color: Black
  • 100% cotton
  • embroidered logo

    Die B2 BEANIE besteht zu 100% aus Polyacryl. Polyacryl ist bekannt für seine strapazierfähigen und weichen Eigenschaften, die der Beanie eine angenehme Textur verleihen. Das Material ist pflegeleicht und resistent gegenüber Wettereinflüssen, was die Langlebigkeit der Kopfbedeckung sicherstellt. Polyacryl fällt im Vergleich zu natürlichen Fasern auf und hat oft bessere thermische Eigenschaften, was für den ganzjährigen Tragekomfort sorgt. Zudem ist das aufgestickte B2 Audio Markenlogo ein präzises Detail, das der Beanie ihren charakteristischen Look verleiht und gleichzeitig ihre hohe Qualität betont.
    Die B2 BEANIE besticht durch ihr einfaches, aber stilvolles Design. Die universelle Farbgebung in Schwarz ermöglicht zahlreiche Kombinationsmöglichkeiten mit unterschiedlichsten Outfits. Egal, ob Du einen lässigen oder einen eher eleganten Look bevorzugst, die B2 BEANIE erweist sich als flexibles Accessoire. Das eingestickte Markenlogo von B2 Audio hebt diese schlichte Eleganz noch weiter hervor. Design und Funktionalität sind darauf ausgerichtet, sowohl Komfort als auch modische Relevanz unter einen Hut zu bringen, was den einzigartigen Charme der B2 BEANIE ausmacht.
    Die B2 BEANIE eignet sich hervorragend für alle Jahreszeiten. Dank des Materials aus 100% Polyacryl bietet die Beanie eine ausgezeichnete Wärmeisolierung, die ideal für kühlere Monate ist. Trotz ihrer wärmenden Eigenschaften bleibt sie leicht genug, um auch bei milderen Temperaturen als stilvolles Accessoire verwendet zu werden. Ihre atmungsaktiven Eigenschaften machen sie zudem für den Übergang zwischen Jahreszeiten perfekt geeignet. Der flexible Einsatz ergibt sich nicht zuletzt durch ihre universelle Farbgebung und das damit verbundene Stylingpotential in allen Lebenslagen.
    Die Pflege der B2 BEANIE ist unkompliziert, dank ihres Materials aus 100% Polyacryl. Sie sollte vorzugsweise mit der Hand gewaschen werden, um die Qualität des gestickten B2 Audio Logos zu erhalten. Falls eine Maschinenwäsche nötig ist, wird das Verwenden eines schonenden Kaltwaschgangs empfohlen. Zum Trocknen sollte sie flach ausgelegt werden, um eine unbeabsichtigte Verformung zu vermeiden. Das widerstandsfähige Material bietet den Vorteil, dass es sich wenig verzieht und seine Form langfristig beibehält, was die Langlebigkeit dieser Beanie unterstreicht.
    Die Vielseitigkeit der B2 BEANIE offenbart sich in ihrer universellen schwarzen Farbgebung und ihrem simplen, aber charmanten Design. Sie lässt sich mühelos mit Casual- und Streetwear-Stilen kombinieren, eignet sich jedoch auch für den Einsatz in eleganteren Outfits. Das gestickte Markenlogo von B2 Audio verleiht ihr eine gewisse Exklusivität, die auch in minimalistischen modischen Konzepten gut zur Geltung kommt. Egal, ob im Alltag oder zu besonderen Anlässen, die B2 BEANIE bietet eine große Bandbreite an Stylingmöglichkeiten für modebewusste Träger.
    Ja, die B2 BEANIE bietet einen effektiven Schutz vor Kälte. Das Material aus 100% Polyacryl sorgt für eine ausgezeichnete Wärmeisolation, was besonders in den kälteren Monaten von Vorteil ist. Durch die dichte Strickweise wird die Körperwärme effizient gespeichert, ohne dass die Atmungsaktivität darunter leidet. Diese Eigenschaften garantieren, dass die B2 BEANIE nicht nur modisch überzeugt, sondern auch funktional zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter bei winterlichen Temperaturen wird. Der Tragekomfort bleibt auch über einen langen Zeitraum hoch.
    Das gestickte Markenlogo der B2 BEANIE setzt einen besonderen Akzent und unterstreicht die Exklusivität der Kopfbedeckung. Es ist präzise in die Mütze eingearbeitet, wodurch es sich von gedruckten Logos durch seine Textur und Langlebigkeit abhebt. Das gestickte Element verleiht der Beanie nicht nur eine haptische Qualität, sondern sorgt auch dafür, dass sie den hohen Qualitätsstandard von B2 Audio widerspiegelt. Gerade in Kombination mit dem einfachen, aber stilvollen Design der Beanie kommt das eingestickte Logo besonders gut zur Geltung.
    Menschen mit empfindlicher Haut können die B2 BEANIE in der Regel bedenkenlos tragen. Polyacryl, aus dem die Beanie gefertigt ist, ist hypoallergen und neigt weniger dazu, Hautreizungen hervorzurufen als einige natürliche Fasern. Das Material ist zudem weich und angenehm, was den Tragekomfort erhöht. Personen, die auf Wollprodukte empfindlich reagieren, profitieren von der synthetischen Zusammensetzung dieser Beanie. Dennoch ist es ratsam, bei besonderen Hautempfindlichkeiten vor dem Tragen einen Verträglichkeitstest durchzuführen.
    Die B2 BEANIE überzeugt mit ihrer hohen Langlebigkeit, auch bei regelmäßigem Gebrauch. Das Material aus 100% Polyacryl ist für seine Strapazierfähigkeit bekannt, welches dem täglichen Verschleiß sehr gut standhält. Der strapazierfähige Stoff behält seine Form, auch nach vielen Wäschen und intensivem Gebrauch. Darüber hinaus sind die Nähte und das gestickte B2 Audio Markenlogo so verarbeitet, dass sie über die Zeit ihre Qualität nicht verlieren. All dies macht die Beanie zu einem langjährigen Begleiter im Alltag, ohne sichtbare Gebrauchsspuren.
    Die B2 BEANIE ist aufgrund ihres Polyacrylmaterials relativ pflegeleicht. Dennoch gibt es einige Empfehlungen zur Pflege: Eine Handwäsche wird bevorzugt, um die Qualität des gestickten Logos zu schützen. Falls eine Maschinenwäsche notwendig ist, sollte ein Schonwaschgang bei niedriger Temperatur gewählt werden. Eine flach ausgelegte Trocknung trägt dazu bei, dass die Beanie ihre Form beibehält und nicht verzieht. Regelmäßige Pflege trägt dazu bei, dass das Erscheinungsbild und die funktionalen Eigenschaften der Beanie langfristig erhalten bleiben.

    B2 audio ApS
    Jay Holm
    Plantevej 35, 1 th.
    2870 Dyssegaard


    Product specifications


    Product type


    • Highlights

      • Material 100% polyacrylic, color black, embroidered brand logo.
      • Versatile in styling, goes with both casual and cool outfits.
      • Easy care, durable material, stylish design guaranteed.
    • Uvp



    0.1 kg

    Your benefits at Masori

    Material quality of the B2 BEANIE: 100% polyacrylic for optimal wearing comfort

    The B2 BEANIE is made entirely of 100% acrylic, a high-quality synthetic yarn known for its softness and durability. Acrylic offers excellent thermal insulation properties, ideal for cool days, while remaining lightweight and easy to care for. Compared to natural fibers like cotton, acrylic ensures a uniform fiber structure that not only preserves the beanie's shape but also offers greater resistance to wear and tear. This makes the B2 BEANIE a durable and reliable choice for everyday use.

    Stylish design of the B2 BEANIE: Minimalist and versatile

    The simple, black design of the B2 BEANIE by B2 Audio is characterized by a minimalist aesthetic that blends seamlessly with a variety of outfits. The clean lines without unnecessary embellishments allow for flexible combination with casual and streetwear looks. The beanie's universal color scheme offers countless styling options, whether for a relaxed day trip or a trendy evening look. The timeless elegance of the design ensures that the B2 BEANIE will remain fashionable for a long time and blends seamlessly with current trends.

    Embroidered brand logo of the B2 BEANIE: precision and attention to detail

    The carefully embroidered B2 Audio logo on the front of the beanie underscores the high-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. The embroidery is done using precise techniques that ensure a long-lasting and colorfast logo. This detail not only gives the beanie a distinctive look but also an exclusive character that represents the B2 Audio brand. The high-quality embroidery ensures that the logo retains its shape and color even after frequent wear and washing, further increasing the longevity of the beanie.

    Color options and customization options of the B2 BEANIE: Black as a universal base

    The B2 BEANIE is available in classic black, a color that's universally combinable and easily integrated into a wide variety of wardrobes. Black not only offers an elegant and understated look, but also a practical feature: It effectively conceals dirt and signs of wear, making the beanie easier to care for and maintain. The neutral color scheme allows the beanie to be worn with both light and dark garments, making it a versatile accessory for different seasons and occasions.

    Versatile wearing options for the B2 BEANIE: Casual and cool combined

    The B2 BEANIE offers a high level of versatility, allowing it to be styled both casually and coolly. For a casual look, the beanie can be paired with a simple T-shirt and jeans for a relaxed and casual look. For a cool look, the beanie can be combined with a hoodie and a leather jacket for a trendy and urban look. This flexibility makes the B2 BEANIE an essential accessory for different clothing styles and personal preferences.

    Care instructions and durability of the B2 BEANIE: Easy to clean and dimensionally stable

    The B2 BEANIE is easy to care for and can be easily machine washed without affecting its shape or color. Polyacrylic is known for its resistance to frequent washing and drying, making the beanie particularly durable. The shape-stable structure ensures that the beanie retains its original shape and fit even after many washes. These properties make the B2 BEANIE a practical choice for everyday use, as it always offers a well-groomed appearance.

    Adjustable wearing size of the B2 BEANIE: Elastic fit for optimal comfort

    The B2 BEANIE features an elastic waistband that allows for adjustment to various head sizes, ensuring a comfortable fit. This elastic fit ensures that the beanie is neither too tight nor too loose, regardless of head shape. The flexible waistband helps prevent pressure points and increases comfort over extended periods. This adaptability makes the B2 BEANIE particularly comfortable for all-day wear without compromising comfort.

    B2 BEANIE brand identity: Representation of B2 Audio's style and quality

    The B2 BEANIE reflects the B2 Audio brand identity by combining quality and style in a single accessory. The embroidered logo and sophisticated design represent the technical precision and aesthetic awareness that B2 Audio incorporates into all its products. This branding strengthens brand recognition and offers wearers the opportunity to stylishly demonstrate their affinity with B2 Audio. The consistent brand presence on the beanie contributes to brand loyalty and underscores B2 Audio's position as a provider of high-quality products.

    Thermal insulation properties of the B2 BEANIE: Optimal protection in cold weather

    Made from 100% acrylic, the B2 BEANIE offers excellent thermal insulation, effectively protecting the head from the cold. Acrylic has the ability to trap air, creating an additional barrier against low temperatures. These insulating properties make the beanie ideal for use in cold weather, whether for everyday use or outdoor activities. The ability to retain heat without overheating ensures that the B2 BEANIE keeps the wearer comfortable in a variety of climatic conditions.

    Lightweight and flexible material of the B2 BEANIE: Comfortable to wear without restrictions

    The lightweight polyacrylic material of the B2 BEANIE ensures that the accessory is comfortable to wear without feeling tight or heavy. The flexibility of the material allows for easy adjustment to the shape of the head, further enhancing comfort. This lightweight design makes the beanie ideal for activities in changeable weather, as it is lightweight yet offers sufficient protection without weighing the wearer down. This comfort is especially important for people who plan to wear their headwear for extended periods.

    Breathable fabric of the B2 BEANIE: Prevents overheating and manages moisture

    Polyacrylic is a breathable material that allows for good air circulation and prevents moisture from building up inside the beanie. This property is especially important for preventing overheating and excessive sweating, maintaining comfort even during extended use. The breathable fabric helps keep the B2 BEANIE comfortably dry, even during active exercise or changeable weather conditions, making it a functional and comfortable accessory.

    Accessories and installation service for the B2 BEANIE

    The B2 BEANIE comes with high-quality care accessories that support the product's longevity and ease of care. Additionally, the Masori car hi-fi online shop offers on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) and comprehensive expert support (FAQ & Help ) to ensure you get the most out of your B2 BEANIE. Further information and tips for optimal use can be found on the Masori Audio Blog .

    Sustainability and environmental friendliness of the B2 BEANIE: Responsible choice of materials

    The use of polyacrylic in the production of the B2 BEANIE is consistent with sustainable practices, as it is a durable material that needs to be replaced less frequently than natural fibers. With its high resistance to wear and tear, the beanie contributes to minimizing resource consumption and reducing environmental impact. The production of polyacrylic also requires less water and energy compared to cotton production, further improving the B2 BEANIE's environmental footprint. This environmentally conscious material choice makes the B2 BEANIE a responsible choice for environmentally conscious consumers.

    Comfort and adaptability of the B2 BEANIE: Ideal for different head sizes

    The elastic structure of the B2 BEANIE ensures that it adapts to different head sizes and shapes, ensuring a high level of comfort. This adaptability prevents uncomfortable pressure points and allows the beanie to sit securely and comfortably on the head, regardless of the wearer's head shape. This flexible fit makes the B2 BEANIE suitable for a wide target group and ensures that every user can enjoy the accessory's full comfort and functionality without having to compromise.

    Durability and durability of the B2 BEANIE: Investment in quality and durability

    The B2 BEANIE from B2 Audio is designed to withstand daily wear and tear, whether through frequent wear or intensive use in changeable weather. The high-quality polyacrylic and the precise workmanship of the embroidered logo contribute to the beanie's overall durability. These long-lasting properties make the B2 BEANIE a worthwhile investment, as it retains its shape, color, and functionality even after extended use. The beanie's sustainable quality minimizes the need for frequent replacement purchases, thus promoting sustainable use.

    Compact packaging and easy shipping of the B2 BEANIE

    The B2 BEANIE comes in compact and eco-friendly packaging that's easy to transport while also ensuring the product's protection during shipping. This efficient shipping process ensures the beanie arrives quickly and undamaged, ready to complement your look. The Masori online store also offers flexible shipping options to ensure you receive your B2 BEANIE conveniently and quickly, without having to endure long wait times.

    Price-performance ratio of the B2 BEANIE: High-quality accessory at an attractive price

    The B2 BEANIE offers excellent value for money, combining high-quality materials and precise craftsmanship at a competitive price. By investing in a durable and stylish beanie, you get a product that's both functional and fashionable without breaking the bank. Masori also offers a Lowest Price Guarantee , ensuring you can always purchase the B2 BEANIE at the lowest price from Masori. This offer makes the B2 BEANIE an attractive choice for budget-conscious shoppers who don't want to compromise on quality.

    Customer satisfaction and support for the B2 BEANIE: Support with questions and concerns

    Masori offers comprehensive customer support for the B2 BEANIE, ensuring you receive quick and competent assistance with any questions or problems. The on-site installation service in Frankfurt (Oder) provides convenient and professional advice, while the FAQ & Help page offers detailed answers to frequently asked questions. Masori's Audio Blog also provides valuable tips and information to help you get the most out of your B2 BEANIE and ensure optimal use.

    Exclusivity of the B2 BEANIE: Unique brand and limited design

    The B2 BEANIE is an exclusive product from B2 Audio, distinguishing itself from other headwear with its unique design and limited availability. This exclusive branding ensures that you own a special accessory that not everyone has, making you stand out from the crowd. The combination of high-quality materials, precise craftsmanship, and stylish design makes the B2 BEANIE a distinctive piece that will enhance your personal wardrobe and add a special touch to your look.

    Integrating the B2 BEANIE into your everyday life: Practical use and versatile applications

    The B2 BEANIE integrates seamlessly into your daily routine, whether you're commuting, exercising, or enjoying your free time. Its comfortable fit and versatile design make it a practical accessory for a variety of activities and occasions. Whether you're taking a leisurely stroll, going to work, or going out, the B2 BEANIE always offers the right style and comfort. This versatility makes the beanie a valuable companion that adapts to your daily needs and always provides a stylish addition to your outfit.

    Aesthetic details of the B2 BEANIE: fabric structure and workmanship

    The fabric structure of the B2 BEANIE is carefully crafted to ensure a smooth and even surface that's not only aesthetically pleasing but also comfortable. The even weave of the polyacrylic yarn creates a soft, comfortable feel that feels gentle against the skin and avoids irritation. The quality of the stitching and embroidered logo is high, enhancing the beanie not only visually but also functionally by eliminating potential weak points and increasing the product's longevity.

    Technological advantages of the B2 BEANIE: Functionality meets style

    The B2 BEANIE combines functional features with a stylish design, making it both practical and fashionable. The use of polyacrylic provides not only warmth and comfort but also certain water-repellent properties that can protect the wearer from light rain and snow. These technological advantages make the B2 BEANIE an ideal choice for changeable weather conditions, as it combines protection and style in a single accessory. The combination of technological functionality and aesthetic design sets the B2 BEANIE apart from conventional headwear and offers added value for the wearer.

    Excellent fit and shape retention of the B2 BEANIE: Permanent shape retention

    The B2 BEANIE is characterized by its excellent fit and shape retention, guaranteed by the high-quality polyacrylic material and elastic waistband. These properties ensure that the beanie retains its original shape even after repeated wear and washing, without losing its elasticity or structure. This lasting shape retention ensures that the B2 BEANIE always fits well and maintains its aesthetic appearance, which is especially important for an accessory that is worn frequently.

    Combination options of the B2 BEANIE: Complement to different outfits

    The universal black color of the B2 BEANIE allows for easy combination with a variety of clothing styles and colors. Whether you prefer a sporty outfit, urban street style, or a sophisticated casual look, the B2 BEANIE blends seamlessly into your outfit and adds an extra stylish touch. The beanie's adaptability to different seasonal trends and personal preferences makes it an essential accessory that keeps your wardrobe flexible and versatile.

    Innovative manufacturing techniques of the B2 BEANIE: precision and efficiency

    The B2 BEANIE is manufactured using innovative techniques that ensure precision and efficiency. The use of modern knitting machines and precise embroidery processes ensures that every detail of the beanie, especially the embroidered B2 Audio logo, is executed with the utmost precision and consistent quality. These advanced manufacturing techniques not only enable a high production rate but also ensure consistently high quality in every single product, further strengthening the reliability and trust in the B2 Audio brand.

    Resale value and collector value of the B2 BEANIE: Long-term investment in a quality product

    The B2 BEANIE boasts high resale and collectible value thanks to its high-quality materials, exclusive design, and distinctive brand presence. This value stems from the combination of durability, aesthetic appeal, and limited availability, making the beanie a sought-after item for collectors and fans of B2 Audio. An investment in the B2 BEANIE is therefore not just a short-term purchase, but also a long-term investment that will retain its utility and value over time and potentially even increase.

    Ergonomic advantages of the B2 BEANIE: Comfortable fit and head support

    The ergonomic design of the B2 BEANIE ensures that it adapts perfectly to the shape of your head and offers a comfortable fit. The carefully proportioned fit distributes pressure evenly, preventing fatigue and discomfort during extended wear. These ergonomic benefits are especially important for people who plan to wear their beanie for extended periods, as they increase comfort while enhancing the overall experience. Good ergonomics therefore contribute significantly to satisfaction and a pleasant wearing experience.

    Color stability of the B2 BEANIE: Lasting color consistency despite frequent use

    The use of high-quality polyacrylic guarantees the B2 BEANIE's excellent color stability, retaining its deep black color even after numerous washes. This property prevents fading and ensures that the beanie always looks fresh and well-groomed. The lasting color consistency is a key factor in the B2 BEANIE's appeal, as it ensures that the accessory retains its aesthetic appeal even after extended use and remains a continuously stylish part of your wardrobe.

    Pricing and affordability of the B2 BEANIE: High-quality product at competitive prices

    The B2 BEANIE offers attractive pricing, providing access to a high-quality and stylish accessory at an affordable price. By combining the finest materials, precise craftsmanship, and minimalist design, B2 Audio keeps production costs low without compromising on quality. This allows customers to purchase a premium product at a competitive price, making the B2 BEANIE particularly attractive. This affordable pricing also promotes the beanie's broad accessibility and popularity among various target groups.

    Conductor of the B2 BEANIE: Perfect addition to your personal style

    The B2 BEANIE serves as the perfect accessory to emphasize and complement your personal style. Whether you opt for a sporty, urban, or classic look, the beanie blends seamlessly into your outfit and adds an extra dimension. The combination of high-quality material, ergonomic design, and stylish aesthetics makes the B2 BEANIE an essential addition to your individual look, combining functionality with fashion, and emphasizing your personal style.