By AD Alternators

Universal voltage regulator

Universal alternator

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  • Voltage regulator, voltage from 13.4-16.2 V, optimizes power supply.
  • Voltage adjustment, precise control, for various applications.
  • Robust performance, suitable for alternators, efficient power usage.
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Regular price 75,00€
Regular price 119,00€ Sale price 75,00€

Voltage regulator for AD Alternators alternators.


  • Voltage 13.4-16.2 V
  • voltage regulator

Ein Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators regelt die Spannung der Lichtmaschine, um sicherzustellen, dass sie innerhalb des optimalen Bereichs von 13,4-16,2 V bleibt. Dieses Spannungsmanagement ist entscheidend, um elektrische Komponenten im Fahrzeug vor möglichen Überspannungen zu schützen. Die Bauart des Spannungsreglers ermöglicht es, die Spannungsausgabe der Lichtmaschine dynamisch anzupassen, um unterschiedliche Lastanforderungen zu befriedigen, ohne die Batterie oder das Bordnetz zu beschädigen. Die Technologie sorgt dafür, dass die Spannung konstant gehalten wird, auch bei wechselnden Drehzahlen der Lichtmaschine.
Der Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators ist dafür ausgelegt, die Spannung innerhalb eines spezifischen Bereichs von 13,4 bis 16,2 V zu regeln. Dieser Bereich ist optimiert, um eine stabile elektrische Versorgung sicherzustellen, die sowohl die Batterie ausreichend lädt als auch verhindert, dass Überspannungen die elektronischen Systeme im Fahrzeug beschädigen. Die Fähigkeit, diese Spannungsgrenzen zu halten, ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Vermeidung von Schäden und sorgt für langlebige Komponenten in der Fahrzeuginfrastruktur.
Der Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators bietet mehrere Vorteile, darunter eine präzise Spannungsregelung und Schutz vor elektrischen Schwankungen. Durch seine Kompatibilität mit einer Reihe von Lichtmaschinen kann er in verschiedenen Fahrzeugen eingesetzt werden und sorgt für eine gleichmäßige Leistungsabgabe. Darüber hinaus hilft der Spannungsbereich von 13,4 bis 16,2 V, die Batterie effizient zu laden, ohne die Gefahr einer Überladung. Gerade in Fahrzeugen mit komplexer Elektronik ist dies von Vorteil, um Ausfälle oder übermäßigen Verschleiß zu vermeiden.
Der Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators ist speziell für die Lichtmaschinen von AD Alternators konzipiert. Dieser Regler sorgt dafür, dass die Lichtmaschine innerhalb des Spannungsbereichs von 13,4 bis 16,2 V arbeitet und somit eine gleichmäßige Stromversorgung für das Fahrzeug gewährleistet. Der Einbau in eine AD Alternators-Lichtmaschine garantiert die bestmögliche Leistung und schützt die elektrische Infrastruktur vor Schwankungen. Kompatibilität ist hierbei ein Schlüsselmerkmal, um die volle Funktionalität sicherzustellen.
Der Spannungsbereich von 13,4-16,2 V für einen Spannungsregler wie den von AD Alternators ist wichtig, um eine konstante und sichere Stromversorgung des Fahrzeugs zu gewährleisten. Dieser Bereich ermöglicht es der Lichtmaschine, die Batterie effektiv zu laden und gleichzeitig die elektrischen Systeme im Fahrzeug vor Über- oder Unterspannung zu schützen. Ein stabiler Spannungsbereich ist entscheidend, um die Lebensdauer elektronischer Komponenten zu verlängern und das Risiko von Ausfällen zu minimieren, was besonders wichtig in Fahrzeugen mit hohem Elektronikanteil ist.
Die Installation des Universal Spannungsreglers von AD Alternators erfolgt durch Anbringen an der Lichtmaschine, wobei die elektrischen Anschlüsse gemäß den Vorgaben des Herstellers verbunden werden müssen. Es ist essenziell, die korrekte Polung der Kabel sicherzustellen, um Fehlfunktionen zu vermeiden. Achte darauf, dass der Regler sicher befestigt ist, um durch Vibrationen verursachte Schäden zu verhindern. Es wird empfohlen, die Gebrauchsanleitung explizit zu befolgen und zu überprüfen, dass die Spannung im zulässigen Bereich von 13,4-16,2 V bleibt, um die zuverlässige Funktion des Reglers sicherzustellen.
Ein Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators besteht aus mehreren Hauptkomponenten, darunter ein Spannungsstabilisator, Temperaturkompensator und Sicherheitsmechanismen. Der Spannungsstabilisator sorgt für die Regelung der Lichtmaschinenspannung zwischen 13,4 und 16,2 V, während der Temperaturkompensator Temperaturschwankungen ausgleicht, um konstante Spannung sicherzustellen. Sicherheitsfunktionen verhindern Spannungsspitzen, die zu Schäden führen können. Diese Komponenten arbeiten effizient zusammen, um eine gleichmäßige und zuverlässige Stromversorgung in unterschiedlichen Betriebszuständen zu gewährleisten.
Ob der Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators in ein spezifisches Fahrzeug passt, hängt in erster Linie von der Kompatibilität mit der Lichtmaschine ab. Dieser Regler ist für Lichtmaschinen von AD Alternators ausgelegt. Die Abmessungen des Reglers können Einfluss auf den Einbauraum haben, daher ist es wichtig, vor der Installation die Kompatibilität und Platzverhältnisse im Fahrzeug zu prüfen. Oftmals kann der Regler bei Fahrzeugmodellen mit ähnlichen technischen Anforderungen erfolgreich installiert werden, sofern die Lichtmaschine von AD Alternators stammt.
Bei der Nutzung des Universal Spannungsreglers von AD Alternators ist es wichtig, die Spannungssteuerung innerhalb des spezifizierten Bereichs von 13,4 bis 16,2 V zu überwachen. Achte darauf, dass alle Verbindungen sicher und ohne Korrosionserscheinungen sind, um Kontaktschwierigkeiten zu vermeiden. Regelmäßige Inspektionen können helfen, Anzeichen von Verschleiß oder Beschädigung frühzeitig zu erkennen. Es wird empfohlen, bei der Installation Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wie das Tragen von isolierenden Handschuhen zu treffen, um das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlags zu minimieren. Diese Maßnahmen erhöhen nicht nur die Sicherheit, sondern auch die Langlebigkeit des Spannungsreglers.
Der Universal Spannungsregler von AD Alternators glänzt mit technischen Highlights wie einem flexiblen Spannungsbereich von 13,4-16,2 V. Diese Funktion bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Spannungsregelung, die sowohl die Batterie lädt als auch elektronische Systeme vor Überspannung schützt. Ein integrierter Temperaturkompensator sorgt dafür, dass der Regler bei unterschiedlichen Betriebstemperaturen optimal arbeitet. Das Design dieses Reglers gewährleistet eine einfache Integration in verschiedene Lichtmaschinentypen von AD Alternators und bietet somit eine vielseitige Lösung für verschiedene Fahrzeuganforderungen.

AD Alternators
Arthur Waselik
ul. Ludowa
6258-304 Walbrzych

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Product specifications


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  • Highlights

    • Voltage regulator, voltage from 13.4-16.2 V, optimizes power supply.
    • Voltage adjustment, precise control, for various applications.
    • Robust performance, suitable for alternators, efficient power usage.
  • Uvp



0.15 kg

Your benefits at Masori

Voltage range of 13.4-16.2 V for precise current control

The AD Alternators voltage regulator offers an adjustable voltage range of 13.4 to 16.2 volts, allowing for precise control of alternator output. This wide range ensures optimal voltage supply for various electrical requirements in the vehicle. By finely tuning the output voltage, you can ensure stable operation of your car hi-fi components at all times, which is especially crucial for high-performance audio systems. A higher voltage range improves battery charging efficiency, while a lower range extends the life of electronic components. This voltage regulation system from AD Alternators is essential for reliable and efficient power management in the vehicle.

High compatibility with AD Alternators alternators

The AD Alternators voltage regulator is specifically designed for the brand's alternators, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance. This high compatibility reduces installation issues and minimizes the risk of malfunctions. Precisely tuned to the electrical specifications of AD alternators, this voltage regulator ensures maximum efficiency and system longevity. Whether you're running a powerful audio setup or additional electrical components, this voltage regulator is a perfect fit for your existing vehicle setup and provides reliable power without compromising performance.

Efficient voltage stabilization for high-performance audio systems

With the AD Alternators voltage regulator, you ensure that your car hi-fi system always receives the required voltage. Precise voltage stabilization prevents fluctuations that could lead to distortion or failure of your audio system. This is especially important for high-performance applications, where stable voltage springs can significantly improve sound quality. The ability to maintain the voltage precisely within the 13.4 to 16.2 V range allows for consistent performance from your amplifiers and speakers, contributing to a clear and dynamic sound. This ensures you benefit from a reliable and powerful audio system that delivers optimal performance on every drive.

Robust construction for maximum reliability

The voltage regulator from AD Alternators is constructed of high-quality materials that guarantee a long service life and high reliability. The robust construction withstands the extreme conditions in a vehicle, such as temperature fluctuations, vibrations, and humidity. This ensures consistent performance and minimizes the risk of failure. The durable components ensure that the voltage regulator operates stably even under high loads, which is especially beneficial when your audio system is used intensively. The regulator's increased durability ensures a reliable power supply, regardless of the operating conditions.

Easy installation and seamless integration

The AD Alternators voltage regulator is designed to be easy to install and integrate seamlessly into your existing vehicle setup. With clear installation instructions and matching accessories, the installation process is quick and straightforward. You can easily mount the regulator near the alternator or in another suitable location without extensive modifications. This ease of use saves time and effort, allowing you to optimize your audio system without lengthy downtime. also offers on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) to provide professional support during installation.

Precise voltage regulation for optimal battery care

The AD Alternators voltage regulator's precise voltage regulation protects your vehicle battery from overcharging and deep discharging. Precise control of the output voltage ensures optimal battery charging, extending its lifespan and increasing the reliability of your vehicle's system. This is especially important for vehicles with powerful audio systems that require higher current. A stable voltage supply prevents battery damage and ensures that all electrical components operate efficiently. This ensures that your car audio system and vehicle battery always remain in top condition.

Improved energy efficiency through intelligent regulation

The AD Alternators voltage regulator optimizes your vehicle's energy efficiency by intelligently regulating the voltage and thus minimizing power consumption. This intelligent regulation dynamically adjusts the output voltage to the current needs of your audio system and other electrical components. This avoids unnecessary energy consumption, resulting in better fuel efficiency and less strain on the alternator. This increased efficiency not only helps conserve battery life but also reduces your vehicle's carbon footprint by lowering overall energy consumption.

Technical advantages of voltage regulation

The AD Alternators voltage regulator's precise voltage regulation ensures a stable power supply specifically tuned to meet high performance requirements. This is especially beneficial for users seeking maximum audio performance without distortion or performance drops. The constant voltage also prevents potential damage to sensitive components, increasing overall system reliability. Furthermore, the adjustable voltage control allows for flexible adaptation to different vehicle types and electrical configurations, further underscoring the regulator's versatility.

Optimized power distribution for efficient fuel management

The AD Alternators voltage regulator ensures optimized power distribution in the vehicle, which directly contributes to more efficient fuel management. By precisely adjusting the output voltage to the needs of your audio system and other electrical components, overall power consumption is minimized. This leads to reduced fuel consumption, which not only saves costs but also protects the environment. Efficient power distribution allows your vehicle to remain stable under various load conditions, improving the overall performance and lifespan of the electrical systems.

High-quality components for superior performance

The AD Alternators voltage regulator uses only high-quality components, ensuring superior performance and durability. The carefully selected components are engineered for high stability and reliability, enabling a consistent voltage supply even under extreme conditions. This ensures that your audio system always receives the power it needs without interruptions or performance drops. Furthermore, the high-quality components help minimize heat generation, increasing the overall efficiency of the regulator and ensuring a longer service life.

Compact design for flexible mounting options

The AD Alternators voltage regulator features a compact design that allows for flexible mounting options within your vehicle. This compact size facilitates installation in a variety of positions without taking up valuable space in the engine bay or elsewhere in the vehicle. The simple placement allows for ergonomic routing of cables and connections, improving the clarity and ease of maintenance of the entire system. This flexibility is especially beneficial for users seeking a customized solution for their individual vehicle requirements.

Advanced protection mechanisms for maximum security

The AD Alternators voltage regulator is equipped with advanced protection mechanisms that safeguard your vehicle and its electrical components from overloads, short circuits, and other potential damage. These protective features ensure that the voltage always remains within safe limits, even during sudden load changes or extreme operating conditions. This provides you with the peace of mind that your audio system and other electrical devices are protected from unexpected voltage surges, significantly increasing their lifespan and reliability. The integrated protection mechanisms make the voltage regulator an essential component for a safe and stable vehicle power system.

Precise temperature control for stable performance

The AD Alternators voltage regulator features precise temperature control, ensuring stable operation even under demanding operating conditions. This temperature control prevents the regulator from overheating, significantly extending its efficiency and service life. Constant temperature control ensures precise and reliable voltage regulation, even during extended journeys or intensive audio system use. This feature is especially important for high-performance car audio applications that require a constant and stable power supply to ensure optimal sound quality and system performance.

High electrical efficiency for minimal energy loss

The AD Alternators voltage regulator features high electrical efficiency, which minimizes energy loss during voltage regulation. This efficiency is critical to ensuring that as much of the generated energy as possible is actually used for your audio system and other electrical components instead of being converted to heat. High electrical efficiency not only contributes to reducing overall energy consumption but also conserves the vehicle's battery and alternator. This is especially beneficial in vehicles with high electrical loads, as it optimizes overall system performance and reduces the need for frequent battery charges.

Intelligent control for dynamic voltage channels

The AD Alternators voltage regulator features intelligent control that dynamically adjusts the voltage to your vehicle's current requirements. This intelligent regulation allows for flexible voltage adjustment based on load and operating conditions, resulting in an optimized and stable power supply. This is especially important for vehicles with varying electrical loads, such as changing audio outputs or additional electrical devices. The intelligent control ensures that the voltage is always optimally adjusted, significantly improving the overall performance and efficiency of your vehicle's power system.

Manufactured to the highest quality standards by AD Alternators

The AD Alternators voltage regulator is manufactured to the highest quality standards, guaranteeing outstanding performance and reliability. Each voltage regulator undergoes rigorous testing and quality control to ensure it meets the demanding requirements of modern vehicle power systems. This uncompromising quality assurance ensures that you receive a product that is not only powerful, but also durable and reliable. AD Alternators' high-quality workmanship makes the voltage regulator a trusted choice for demanding car audio applications that require the utmost precision and stability.

Flexible customization options through adjustable parameters

The AD Alternators voltage regulator offers flexible customization options through adjustable parameters that allow precise control of the output voltage. This flexibility is essential for precisely adapting the voltage regulator to the specific requirements of your vehicle and audio system. By easily adjusting the voltage, you can ensure optimal performance and maximize the efficiency of your entire electrical system. These customization options make the voltage regulator a versatile solution that integrates perfectly into various vehicle configurations and supports a customized voltage supply.

Comprehensive support and expertise from

In addition to the high-quality AD Alternators voltage regulator, offers comprehensive support through on-site installation in Frankfurt (Oder) and expert support (FAQ & Help) . You can also find valuable information and tips in our audio blog to help you get the most out of your car hi-fi system. With, you benefit from a reliable source for high-quality car hi-fi products and professional services that optimally support your installation and use of the AD Alternators voltage regulator.