By Four Connect

Stage2 2x4mm² OFC sold by the meter

2x4mm² speaker cable

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  • 2x4mm² cross-section, 100% OFC copper for optimal signal transmission.
  • Silicone-based rubber insulation, flexible and durable.
  • Grey with red marking, maximum length of 30 meters per piece.
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Regular price 3,99€
Regular price 3,99€ Sale price 3,99€
Unit price 3,99€  per  m

Discover the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC sold by the meter from Four Connect, a high-quality 2x4mm² speaker cable. With a cross-section of 2x4mm² and 100% OFC copper, it offers optimal sound quality. The silicone-based rubber insulation ensures durability and flexibility. The cable is available in gray with red markings and is supplied in custom lengths up to a maximum of 30 meters. The price is per meter, and you can simply add the required quantity to your shopping cart.

The price indicated corresponds to the price for one meter, add the desired quantity to the shopping cart, the cable will be delivered in one piece.


  • 2x4mm² cross-section
  • 100% OFC copper
  • Insulation made of silicone-based rubber
  • Sold by the meter, maximum 30 meters in one piece
  • Color: Gray with red marking

Die Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware von Four Connect bietet einen Querschnitt von 2x4mm² und besteht zu 100% aus sauerstofffreiem Kupfer (OFC), was für eine optimale Leitfähigkeit sorgt. Die Isolierung des Kabels besteht aus silikonbasiertem Gummi, das langlebig ist und hohen Temperaturen standhalten kann. Die Meterware ist in maximalen Längen von 30 Metern am Stück erhältlich. Farblich ist das Kabel in Grau gehalten und besitzt eine rote Markierung zur einfachen Unterscheidung der Polarität. Diese Produktmerkmale machen das Kabel zu einer idealen Wahl für Anwendungen, bei denen hohe Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit erforderlich sind.
OFC, oder sauerstofffreies Kupfer, hat eine besonders hohe Leitfähigkeit, was bedeutet, dass es elektrische Signale effektiver und mit minimalem Widerstand überträgt. Bei der Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware kommt dieses Material zum Einsatz, um sicherzustellen, dass Audiosignale klar und unverfälscht zum Verstärker oder Lautsprecher gelangen. Das Kabel minimiert Verluste und Verzerrungen, die bei minderwertigeren Materialien auftreten können. Gerade bei längeren Kabelstrecken wird die Qualität durch OFC-Kupfer maximiert, was besonders für anspruchsvolle Audioanwendungen und Hi-Fi-Systeme von Bedeutung ist.
Die silikonbasierte Isolierung der Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware bietet mehrere Vorteile, darunter eine herausragende Flexibilität und Beständigkeit gegenüber hohen Temperaturen. Silikon ist bekannt für seine hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen mechanische Abnutzung und Alterung, wodurch es ideal für anspruchsvolle Umgebungen ist. Diese Eigenschaften stellen sicher, dass das Kabel auch unter extremen Bedingungen nicht an Leistungsfähigkeit einbüßt. Darüber hinaus wird das Handling des Kabels bei der Installation erleichtert, da es sich leicht biegen und in enge Räume einpassen lässt, ohne die Isolationsschicht zu beschädigen.
Ein einzelnes Stück der Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware kann eine maximale Länge von 30 Metern haben. Diese Länge ermöglicht es, lange Distanzen ohne Unterbrechungen zu überbrücken, was besonders in größeren Installationen, wie kommerziellen oder großen Wohnumgebungen, vorteilhaft ist. Kabelstücke in dieser kontinuierlichen Länge verhindern Signalverluste und Übergangswiderstände, die auftreten könnten, wenn mehrere kürzere Kabel miteinander verbunden werden müssen. Diese Eigenschaft ist besonders nützlich, wenn von den Audioanlagen eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität und Leistung erwartet wird.
Die Kompatibilität der Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware mit einem Fahrzeug hängt in erster Linie von den Platzverhältnissen und den spezifischen Anforderungen ab. Mit einem Querschnitt von 2x4mm² und einer oft gewählten maximalen Kabellänge bis zu 30 Metern, eignet sich dieses Audiokabel für eine Vielzahl von Einbauorten und Installationstypen. Auto-Installateure achten häufig auf die Flexibilität bei der Verlegung durch enge Räume. Obwohl keine spezifischen Automarken genannt werden, kann dieses Kabel aufgrund seiner technischen Spezifikationen in nahezu jedem Fahrzeug genutzt werden, das genügend Raum für die Kabelverlegung bietet.
Die Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware kommt in einer grauen Farbe mit roter Markierung. Diese Farbgebung ist nicht nur aus ästhetischen Gründen gewählt, sondern bietet auch funktionelle Vorteile. Die rote Markierung dient dazu, die Polarität des Kabels zu kennzeichnen, was die Installation erheblich erleichtert und Verpolungen vermeidet. Besonders bei komplexen Audioinstallationen, wo zahlreiche Kabel verwendet werden, ist diese klare Kennzeichnung von unschätzbarem Wert, da sie Installationsfehler minimiert und somit die Funktionsfähigkeit und Sicherheit des gesamten Systems erhöht.
Der Querschnitt von 2x4mm² bei der Stage2 OFC Meterware von Four Connect ist entscheidend, weil er die Kapazität bestimmt, mit der elektrische Ströme sicher und effizient durch das Kabel fließen können. Ein größerer Querschnitt bedeutet weniger elektrischen Widerstand, was zu einer besseren Gesamtleistung und geringeren Signalverlusten führt. Für komplexe Audiosysteme, die hohe Leistung erfordern, stellt dieser Querschnitt eine optimale Lösung dar, da er verhindert, dass das Kabel unter hohen Strombelastungen überhitzt oder Leistungsverluste auftreten.
Die Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware wird in kundenspezifischer Länge nach den Bedürfnissen des Käufers geliefert. Der Preis bezieht sich auf jeweils einen Meter, und das Kabel wird dementsprechend in der gewünschten Gesamtlänge bis zu einem Maximum von 30 Metern am Stück bereitgestellt. Diese Methode der Lieferung stellt sicher, dass das Kabel ohne unnötige Verbindungsstellen auskommt, die potenziell die Leitfähigkeit beeinträchtigen könnten. Eine am Stück gelieferte Kabellänge bietet Installateuren die Flexibilität, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen ohne Kompromisse bei der Signalqualität zu realisieren.
Bei der Installation der Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware solltest Du darauf achten, dass das Kabel in einem geeigneten, trockenen und sauberen Umfeld verlegt wird. Gerade in Autos ist die Verlegung entlang bestehender Kabelschächte von Vorteil, um den Schutz vor mechanischer Abnutzung und die optische Ansprechbarkeit zu gewährleisten. Die flexible Silikon-Gummi-Isolierung hilft dabei, das Kabel auch durch schwierige Passagen zu ziehen. Achte darauf, das Kabel nicht zu stark zu knicken oder zu ziehen, um die Integrität der Verbindung nicht zu gefährden und die optimale Leitfähigkeit zu bewahren.
Die Stage2 2x4mm² OFC Meterware von Four Connect ist wegen ihrer technischen Eigenschaften ideal für Audioanwendungen geeignet. Der 100% OFC-Kupferkern sorgt für exzellente Leitfähigkeit und minimale Signalverluste, während der 2x4mm² Querschnitt sicherstellt, dass auch bei hohen Leistungen keine Überhitzung auftritt. Die silikonbasierte Isolierung, die robust und hitzebeständig ist, schützt die inneren Leiter vor Umgebungseinflüssen und Verschleiß. Diese Kombination aus hochwertigen Materialien und durchdachtem Design gewährleistet, dass Audiosignale klar und verzerrungsfrei übertragen werden, was besonders für Hi-Fi-Enthusiasten wichtig ist.

Audio Import Group
Pekka Kinnunen
Palkkitie 10
84100 Ylivieska


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  • Highlights

    • 2x4mm² cross-section, 100% OFC copper for optimal signal transmission.
    • Silicone-based rubber insulation, flexible and durable.
    • Grey with red marking, maximum length of 30 meters per piece.
  • Uvp



0.2 kg

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Buy high-quality Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable online at

Discover the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable at and buy it at a great price with our lowest price guarantee. This high-quality speaker cable features a 2x4mm² cross-section for optimal power transmission, manufactured from 100% OFC copper for excellent conductivity. The silicone-based rubber insulation ensures durability and flexibility, ideal for custom installations up to 30 meters per piece. The gray color with red markings allows for easy identification and a professional look in your car hi-fi system. Order the desired length conveniently online and benefit from fast delivery and first-class customer service at

Optimal power transmission with 2x4mm² cross-section for clear sound

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable features a 2x4mm² cross-section, ensuring efficient power transmission. This cross-section allows for minimal current resistance, resulting in clear and undistorted sound reproduction in your vehicle. Compared to smaller cross-sections, this cable type significantly reduces voltage losses, maximizing the performance of your speakers. Especially for high-performance car hi-fi systems, a 2x4mm² cable is essential to ensure full audio performance without signal loss. The robust construction of this cable also ensures a stable connection, even in demanding installations.

Excellent conductivity thanks to 100% OFC copper for minimal signal loss

The Stage2 speaker cable is made of 100% OFC (Oxygen-Free Copper), which ensures outstanding conductivity. OFC copper minimizes signal loss and ensures that the audio signal travels unaltered from the source to the speakers. This high copper purity reduces electrical resistance and optimizes sound quality by minimizing distortion and interference. For demanding audio professionals, this means precise and clear sound reproduction with full dynamic range and transparency. The use of 100% OFC copper is a decisive advantage for anyone seeking a high-quality and reliable audio connection.

Durable silicone-based rubber insulation for high flexibility

The insulation of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is made of silicone-based rubber, which offers excellent flexibility and resistance to extreme temperatures. This type of insulation ensures that the cable can be easily installed even in challenging installation environments without losing its flexibility. Furthermore, the silicone-based rubber is resistant to abrasion, UV rays, and chemical influences, significantly extending the service life of the cable. For car hi-fi installations, this means a reliable and durable connection that can withstand the demands of intensive use.

Individual customization with meter goods up to 30 meters in one piece

The Stage2 speaker cable is sold by the meter, with each shipment containing up to 30 meters in one piece. This flexibility allows you to purchase the exact length you need for your specific car hi-fi installation. By purchasing by the meter, you can save on materials and create a customized solution for your vehicle without storing excess cable or having unused lengths. This convenient solution is ideal for professional audio installers and DIY enthusiasts who prefer precise and clean wiring.

Professional color coding in gray with red marking for easy identification

The Stage2 2x4mm² speaker cable features a gray color with red markings, allowing for easy identification of the cable branches. This color coding significantly simplifies installation, allowing you to quickly identify which cable leads to which speaker, eliminating confusion or errors. Clear color coding is essential, especially in complex car hi-fi systems with multiple speakers, to ensure efficient and error-free installation. The professional appearance of the cable also contributes to a neat and tidy appearance in the vehicle.

Maximum flexibility through meter goods with variable length

The Stage2 speaker cable's meter-length design allows for a high degree of installation flexibility. You can purchase the exact length you need, eliminating unnecessary excess cable. This is especially beneficial for custom car hi-fi installations where space is often limited. The variable length allows you to route the cable precisely to ensure optimal signal transmission without clutter. This adaptability not only supports the aesthetic integration into your vehicle but also the technical efficiency of your audio system.

Robust construction for demanding car hi-fi installations

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable was specially developed for demanding car hi-fi installations. The combination of high-quality OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation ensures that the cable performs reliably even under extreme conditions. Whether exposed to high temperatures in the vehicle or heavy-duty movement, this cable remains stable and performs well. The robust construction protects the cable from mechanical damage and ensures long-term use without any loss of quality. Ideal for demanding audio professionals who value the highest quality and durability.

Easy integration thanks to versatile compatibility

The Stage2 speaker cable is versatile and compatible with a wide range of car hi-fi components and vehicle brands. This allows for seamless integration into virtually any audio system, whether an aftermarket head unit or high-quality amplifier. The standardized connectors and the high quality of the cable ensure that it works seamlessly with various manufacturers and models without the need for additional adapters or modifications. This compatibility makes the cable a flexible choice for numerous installation scenarios, which is especially beneficial for professional installers.

Excellent signal quality due to low resistance at 2x4mm²

The 2x4mm² cross-section of the Stage2 OFC speaker cable offers low electrical resistance, resulting in excellent signal quality. Low resistance minimizes voltage losses and ensures that the audio signal is transported efficiently from the source to the speakers. This is especially important for powerful bass reproduction and dynamic sound details, which are optimally supported with a larger cross-section. Compared to thinner cables, the 2x4mm² cross-section ensures consistent and distortion-free audio performance, giving your car hi-fi system the power it needs.

Efficient isolation for minimal signal loss and high sound fidelity

The silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 speaker cable not only provides physical protection but also helps reduce signal loss. This high-quality insulation minimizes interference and crosstalk, resulting in greater audio fidelity. The excellent shielding prevents external electromagnetic interference from affecting the audio signal, ensuring precise and clear sound reproduction. For audio professionals, this means that the original sound quality is reproduced without unwanted distortion, elevating the listening experience to a new level.

Maximum length of 30 meters per piece for comprehensive installation options

Each meter of Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is supplied in convenient lengths of up to 30 meters, allowing for comprehensive and flexible installation in various vehicle types. This maximum length per piece provides sufficient material for extensive car hi-fi setups without the need for frequent cable replacements or extensions. This is particularly advantageous for professional installers and audio experts, as it simplifies the installation process and enables consistent cabling over longer distances. The ability to use longer cable lengths also helps reduce splices and potential weak points.

Color coding in gray with red marking for quick cable identification

The gray color scheme with red markings on the Stage2 speaker cable facilitates quick and clear cable identification during installation. This specific marking is particularly helpful when multiple cables are used in a system, preventing confusion and ensuring efficient speaker assignment. For audio professionals, this clear marking enables a streamlined workflow and saves valuable time when connecting components. Furthermore, the professional appearance contributes to the cable's aesthetic integration into the vehicle interior design, without distracting colors or an unattractive appearance.

High-purity OFC copper for maximum sound purity and detail

The 100% OFC copper in the Stage2 2x4mm² speaker cable ensures maximum sonic purity and detail. High-purity copper reduces signal distortion and ensures that even the finest sound nuances are reproduced precisely. This is especially important for the reproduction of high frequencies and detailed tonal nuances, which are often lost or distorted with inferior cables. The use of OFC copper ensures consistent and reliable signal transmission, unlocking the full potential of your car hi-fi system and providing an immersive listening experience.

Efficient installation thanks to flexible and robust cable construction

The combination of flexible silicone-based rubber and robust OFC copper construction makes the Stage2 2x4mm² speaker cable ideal for efficient installations. Its high flexibility allows the cable to be routed in tight spaces and around tight curves without damaging the insulation or breaking the cable. At the same time, the robust construction ensures excellent resistance to mechanical stress and environmental influences, guaranteeing a long service life and consistent performance. These properties make the cable an ideal choice for professional car hi-fi installations that require both flexibility and durability.

Customizable meterware for tailor-made car hi-fi cable installation

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is sold by the meter, allowing for customized installation to meet the specific requirements of your car hi-fi installation. You can purchase the exact length you need, ensuring precise cable routing without excess material. This is especially beneficial in vehicles with complex cable routing or limited space, where precise cable length adjustment is critical. The ability to flexibly order by the meter not only supports a clean and tidy installation but also ensures efficient use of resources, saving both time and money.

Reliable performance through high-quality materials and workmanship

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable impresses with its use of premium materials and precise workmanship, ensuring reliable performance and high quality standards. The 2x4mm² cross-section combined with 100% OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation ensures that the cable maintains consistent performance even under intensive use and changing environmental conditions. This high-quality construction minimizes the risk of signal loss or interruptions and guarantees a stable and reliable connection between your car hi-fi components. For audio professionals, this represents a long-term investment in the sound quality and system reliability of your vehicle.

Easy handling and installation thanks to clear color marking

The clear gray color coding with red accents of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable significantly simplifies handling and installation. This clear marking allows you to quickly assign the cables to the correct speakers, reducing installation time and minimizing errors. Especially in complex car hi-fi setups with multiple speakers, this color coding ensures clear and efficient cabling without having to check each cable individually. The cable's user-friendly design supports audio professionals in performing a clean and professional installation that meets the high standards of modern car hi-fi systems.

Maximum flexibility through long lengths per delivery

Each shipment of Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable includes up to 30 meters of cable, providing maximum flexibility for extensive car hi-fi installations. This long cable length allows you to cover greater distances between audio components without having to route and connect multiple pieces of cable. This significantly simplifies installation work and ensures consistently high signal quality, as there are fewer connections and transitions. For professional audio installers and demanding users, this means more efficient cabling and consistent performance across the entire length of the cable.

Color design for professional and aesthetic cabling solutions

The gray color scheme of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable with red markings not only offers functional advantages but also contributes to a professional and aesthetic cabling solution. The neutral base color blends harmoniously into the vehicle interior, while the red markings make the cables quickly identifiable. This sophisticated color scheme ensures that the cables are not only technically impressive but also visually appealing, which is particularly advantageous for display panels or transparent cable routing. For audio professionals who value a clean and professional appearance, this cable offers the perfect combination of functionality and design.

High-quality materials for long-lasting car hi-fi systems

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is constructed from high-quality materials that guarantee durability and consistently high performance. The use of 100% OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation ensures that the cable remains unaffected even under extreme conditions. This robust material combination protects the cable from mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations, and other environmental factors that could compromise the lifespan of conventional cables. For your car hi-fi system, this means a reliable and long-term solution that consistently delivers excellent sound quality.

Precise cable routing thanks to robust and flexible construction

The robust yet flexible construction of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable allows for precise cable routing in tight spaces and complex installation areas. The silicone-based rubber insulation offers high flexibility, making it easy to route the cable without damaging it or losing its flexibility. This property is particularly important for neat and tidy cable routing without kinks or pinches that could compromise signal quality. For audio professionals, this combination of robustness and flexibility is a key advantage for ensuring a clean and efficient installation.

Efficient signal transmission for outstanding sound quality

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable, with its 2x4mm² cross-section and OFC copper, ensures efficient signal transmission, enabling outstanding sound quality. The cable's low electrical resistance minimizes signal loss and ensures that the audio signal reaches the speakers unaltered and clearly. This is crucial for reproducing precise highs, rich mids, and powerful bass, which enhance the overall soundscape of your car hi-fi system. For audio experts, this means unparalleled sound fidelity and an immersive listening experience that fully utilizes the technical capabilities of the car hi-fi.

High-purity OFC material for optimal signal purity and performance

The 100% OFC copper material used in the Stage2 2x4mm² speaker cable ensures optimal signal purity and performance. High-purity OFC copper is characterized by extremely low conductivity, meaning the audio signal is transmitted with virtually no loss. This property is especially important for high-quality car hi-fi systems that rely on precise and unadulterated sound reproduction. Using this material ensures that every nuance and detail of the audio signal is transmitted accurately and clearly to the speakers, creating a dynamic and immersive listening experience.

Reliable insulation made of silicone-based rubber for long-lasting use

The insulation of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is made of silicone-based rubber, optimized for long-term use under a wide range of conditions. This type of insulation offers excellent resistance to UV rays, ozone, chemicals, and temperature fluctuations, significantly extending the service life of the cable. For use in vehicles, this means that the cable functions reliably even under high operating temperatures and changing weather conditions without the insulation becoming brittle or cracking. This durable insulation ensures that your car hi-fi system continuously delivers high performance without you having to worry about cable wear or failure.

Flexible meterware for tailor-made connections in your vehicle

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is offered as flexible bulk cable, allowing you to create customized connections in your vehicle. With lengths of up to 30 meters per cable, you can choose the exact length you need for each individual speaker without having excess cable. This not only simplifies installation but also contributes to the clarity and organization of your car hi-fi system. For audio professionals who prefer precise and customized wiring, this flexible bulk cable offers an ideal solution for maximizing the performance and efficiency of your system.

Color-coded markings for efficient and error-free cabling

The gray color of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable with red markings allows for simple and efficient wiring without any confusion. These clear color markings are particularly helpful for assigning cables to the respective speakers, reducing installation time and minimizing errors. For complex car hi-fi installations with multiple speakers, this color coding ensures clear and structured cabling, ensuring stable and reliable signal transmission. Audio professionals benefit from this sophisticated design, which supports a professional and clean installation.

Cable cross-section of 2x4mm² for high-performance audio applications

The 2x4mm² cross-section of the Stage2 OFC speaker cable is ideal for high-performance audio applications in your vehicle. This cross-section allows for sufficient power supply for powerful speakers and subwoofers, guaranteeing dynamic and powerful sound reproduction. The larger cross-section reduces electrical resistance, resulting in more efficient signal transmission and better overall audio system performance. For audio professionals who rely on high performance and pristine sound quality, this cable is an optimal choice for demanding car hi-fi setups.

Longevity through high-quality workmanship and materials

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is manufactured with high-quality materials and precise craftsmanship, ensuring exceptional durability. The use of 100% OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation protects the cable from wear, mechanical stress, and environmental influences that can shorten the lifespan of conventional cables. This robust construction ensures that the cable performs reliably even under intensive use and harsh conditions. For car hi-fi experts, this represents a long-term investment in the quality and performance of their audio system, eliminating the need for frequent replacement purchases.

Efficient cabling through versatile application possibilities

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable offers versatile application possibilities for efficient and flexible wiring of your car hi-fi system. Whether you want to connect multiple speakers in different zones of your vehicle or integrate powerful subwoofers, this cable adapts to your needs. Sold by the meter, you can cut the cable to the exact length you need, ensuring a clean and tidy integration into your vehicle. This speaker cable is the ideal solution for professional installers and audio experts seeking customized wiring without compromising on quality.

Maximum performance through robust and reliable cable construction

The robust and reliable construction of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable ensures maximum performance from your car hi-fi system. The high cable cross-section and high-quality material combination ensure stable and efficient power transmission, enabling powerful and precise sound reproduction. These properties are particularly important for high-performance audio installations, where every nuance and detail of the audio signal must be optimally reproduced. For audio professionals, this means consistently high performance and a long-lasting solution for demanding car hi-fi systems that rely on the highest quality and reliability.

Precise signal transmission through 100% OFC copper quality

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable uses 100% OFC copper, which guarantees precise signal transmission. The high quality of the copper minimizes electrical losses and ensures that the audio signal reaches the speakers unaltered and clear. This property is crucial for detailed and dynamic sound reproduction that utilizes the full bandwidth of your car hi-fi system. For audio experts, this means excellent sound fidelity and impressive sound quality that accurately reproduces even the finest details and nuances of the audio signal.

Easy installation thanks to flexible and color-coded design

Installation of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is particularly easy thanks to its flexible and color-coded design. The gray color with red markings makes it easy to identify the cable branches, enabling quick and error-free wiring. Furthermore, the flexible silicone-based rubber insulation ensures that the cable can be easily installed even in tight and complex spaces without causing damage or cable breakage. For audio professionals, this means a straightforward and efficient installation that saves time while ensuring high-quality signal transmission.

High-quality materials for a durable and reliable connection

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable utilizes high-quality materials to ensure a durable and reliable connection in your car hi-fi system. The use of 100% OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation protects the cable from mechanical damage and environmental influences that can impair the performance and service life of conventional cables. This high-quality material combination enables stable and efficient signal transmission, thus ensuring consistent and unadulterated sound quality. This speaker cable offers an ideal solution for audio professionals who rely on durable and high-performance cabling.

Climate-resistant insulation for reliable operation under all conditions

The silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable is climate-resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures and diverse weather conditions. This property ensures that the cable functions reliably even in high vehicle temperatures or during sudden temperature fluctuations, without the insulation becoming brittle or cracking. For car hi-fi experts, this means consistent and reliable cable performance, regardless of external influences. The climate-resistant insulation helps ensure that your audio system functions optimally at all times and that the signal quality remains consistently high.

Professional color coding for efficient wiring in your vehicle

The professional color coding of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable in gray with red markings significantly simplifies efficient wiring in your vehicle. This clear marking allows you to quickly assign the cables to the corresponding speakers, speeding up the installation process and preventing errors. Especially in complex car hi-fi systems with multiple speakers, the color coding provides structured and clear cabling, ensuring stable and reliable signal transmission. For audio professionals, this sophisticated design is a significant advantage, supporting a professional and clean installation.

Maximum adaptability thanks to flexible meterware from Stage2

The flexible bulk length of Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable offers maximum adaptability for your car hi-fi installation. You can purchase the exact length you need, allowing for customized wiring without excess material. This flexibility is especially beneficial for vehicles with specific cable routing and limited space. Furthermore, the ability to order the cables in variable lengths eliminates unnecessary storage of excess cable and ensures a cleaner and more efficient installation. For audio professionals who value precise and customized wiring, this flexible bulk length is the ideal solution.

High-purity OFC copper for lossless audio transmission

The Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable uses high-purity OFC copper, ensuring lossless audio transmission. The high purity of the copper minimizes electrical losses, ensuring clear and undistorted sound reproduction. This property is especially important for demanding car hi-fi systems that rely on precise and detailed sound reproduction. For audio experts, this means optimal signal quality that precisely transmits even the finest sound nuances to the speakers, creating an impressive and immersive listening experience.

Durable and resistant insulation for long-lasting use

The durable silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable ensures long-lasting and resilient cabling in your car hi-fi system. This high-quality insulation is resistant to abrasion, UV rays, and chemical influences, significantly extending the service life of the cable. For use in vehicles, this means that the cable functions reliably even under intensive use and changing environmental conditions without the insulation becoming brittle or cracking. For audio professionals who rely on long-term and reliable cabling, this speaker cable offers an optimal solution that remains durable and high-performance.

Efficient signal transmission through optimally dimensioned cross-section

The optimally dimensioned 2x4mm² cross-section of the Stage2 OFC speaker cable ensures efficient signal transmission without loss. This cross-section is ideally dimensioned to ensure sufficient power for powerful speakers while minimizing electrical resistance. This results in clear and pristine sound reproduction that utilizes the full dynamic range and detail of your car hi-fi system. For audio experts, this means the highest sound quality and maximum performance from your audio system, supported by the precisely dimensioned cabling.

Robust construction for demanding car hi-fi installations

The robust construction of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable makes it ideal for demanding car hi-fi installations that require high resilience and durability. The combination of 100% OFC copper and silicone-based rubber insulation provides excellent resistance to mechanical stress, temperature fluctuations, and other environmental influences. This robust construction ensures that the cable performs reliably even under intensive use and in demanding installation environments. For audio professionals who rely on stable and durable cabling, this speaker cable offers an optimal solution that meets the highest quality standards.

Flexible meterware for tailor-made audio installations

The flexible bulk length of Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable enables customized audio installations precisely tailored to the needs of your car hi-fi system. You can purchase the exact length you need, ensuring precise and clean wiring without excess cable. This is especially beneficial for vehicles with complex cable routing or limited space, as you can tailor the cables precisely to the existing conditions. For audio professionals, this means efficient use of resources and aesthetically pleasing cabling that optimizes the overall appearance and performance of your car hi-fi system.

Color coding for quick identification and easy installation

The clear color coding of the Stage2 2x4mm² OFC speaker cable in gray with red markings allows for quick identification and significantly simplifies installation. This specific color scheme helps easily assign the cable branches to the corresponding speakers, preventing installation errors and increasing efficiency. For complex car hi-fi installations with multiple speakers, this color coding provides clear and structured cabling, ensuring stable and reliable signal transmission. Audio professionals benefit from this sophisticated design, which supports a professional and clean installation.