By Four Connect

Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC sold by the meter

2x2.5mm² speaker cable

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Unit price 2,49€  per  m
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  • 2x2.5mm² cross-section, 100% OFC copper, ideal for audio needs.
  • Insulation made of silicone-based rubber, sold by the meter up to 30m.
  • Color gray with red marking, perfect for differentiation.
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Regular price 2,49€
Regular price 2,49€ Sale price 2,49€
Unit price 2,49€  per  m

Discover the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable by the meter from Four Connect. This 2x2.5mm² speaker cable features a full OFC copper construction and silicone-based rubber insulation for flexibility and durability. The cable is available by the meter and can be customized up to a maximum length of 30 meters. With its gray color and red markings, it's not only functional but also stylish.

The price indicated corresponds to the price for one meter, add the desired quantity to the shopping cart, the cable will be delivered in one piece.


  • 2x2.5mm² cross-section
  • 100% OFC copper
  • Insulation made of silicone-based rubber
  • Sold by the meter, maximum length 30 meters
  • Color: Gray with red marking

Die Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware verwendet 100% sauerstofffreies Kupfer (OFC), das die Leitfähigkeit erheblich verbessert und die Signalverluste minimiert. Im Vergleich zu herkömmlichem Kupfer sorgt das OFC-Material für eine effizientere Stromübertragung, was besonders bei der Anordnung von Audiokomponenten einen wesentlichen Unterschied ausmachen kann. Dieses Kabeldesign trägt zur Reduktion von Verzerrungen bei und erweitert die Dynamik der Audioausgabe. Gerade wenn Du hochwertige Audioanlagen betreibst, spielt die reine Kupferstruktur eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Wiedergabequalität und der Langlebigkeit des Audiokabels.
Die Isolierung der Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware besteht aus hochwertigem, silikonbasiertem Gummi. Diese Isolationsart bietet eine hervorragende Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen extreme Temperaturen und mechanische Abnutzung. Silikon ist bekannt für seine Flexibilität und Haltbarkeit, was in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungsbereichen vorteilhaft ist, insbesondere dort, wo Kabeleinbrüche und -brüche Sorge bereiten könnten. Die widerstandsfähige Isolierung stellt sicher, dass das Kabel in engen Räumen ohne Beschädigung verlegt werden kann und bietet gleichzeitig einen zusätzlichen Schutz vor elektrischen Störungen.
Der 2x2,5mm² Querschnitt der Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware gibt die Größe der einzelnen Kupferleiter an. Ein größerer Querschnitt bedeutet eine verbesserte Stromtragfähigkeit, wodurch höhere Leistungsübertragungen möglich sind. Diese spezifische Konfiguration ist ideal für den Einsatz in Audiokomponenten, bei denen die Minimierung von Leistungsverlusten und eine klare Signalübertragung entscheidend sind. Wenn Du auf der Suche nach einem Audiokabel für hohe Leistungsanforderungen bist, ist dieser Querschnitt besonders geeignet, da er die Stromzufuhr verbessert und die Gesamteffizienz Deiner Anlage steigert.
Die Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware wird als Meterware mit einer maximalen Länge von 30 Metern auf einer Rolle geliefert. Das Kabel kann auf die benötigte Länge zugeschnitten werden, was eine flexible Anpassung an die individuellen Installationsanforderungen ermöglicht. Durch seine praktische Graufärbung mit roter Markierung ist es leichter, die Polarität während der Installation zu bestimmen und visuell zu unterscheiden. Diese Flexibilität und Klarheit in der Verarbeitung vereinfachen den Verlegeprozess erheblich und sind ein Vorteil, wenn Du komplexe Verkabelungslayouts planen musst.
Die Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware ist besonders für hochwertige Audioinstallationen geeignet. Dank des reinen OFC-Kupfers und des großzügigen Querschnittes eignet sie sich ideal für Lautsprecherverkabelungen, bei denen eine klare und qualitativ hochwertige Signalübertragung gefragt ist. Zusätzlich bietet die silikonbasierte Gummiisolierung eine Flexibilität, die insbesondere bei der Installation in beengten oder kurvigen Bereichen von Vorteil ist. Mit diesen Eigenschaften ist das Kabel optimal für Heimkinoanlagen sowie professionelle Car-HiFi-Setups geeignet, bei denen eine verlässliche Performance unverzichtbar ist.
Die Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware ist in einer grauen Farbe mit einer roten Markierung erhältlich, die bedeutende Vorteile in Bezug auf die Verlegung bietet. Diese Farbkodierung erleichtert eine schnelle Identifizierung der Polarität, die für eine korrekte Audioverkabelung entscheidend ist. Sie unterstützt außerdem bei der Vermeidung von Installationsfehlern, indem die Unterscheidung der Kabelseiten visuell vereinfacht wird. Dieses Merkmal ist besonders hilfreich bei umfangreichen Verkabelungsaufgaben, bei denen viele Verbindungen in kurzer Zeit vorgenommen werden müssen.
Ja, die Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware eignet sich hervorragend für die Verlegung in engen Räumlichkeiten. Dank der flexiblen, silikonbasierten Gummiisolierung, die eine hervorragende Anpassungsfähigkeit aufweist, kannst Du das Kabel problemlos in Schlaufenlagen und um Hindernisse herumführen. Diese Eigenschaft reduziert das Risiko von Kabelbrüchen oder Beschädigungen bei der Installation. Zudem trägt die Flexibilität des Kabels dazu bei, Kabelmanagementsysteme effizient zu gestalten, ohne Kompromisse bei der Leistung oder Sicherheit einzugehen.
Für die Leistung der Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware sind der 2x2,5mm² Querschnitt, 100% OFC-Kupfer und die silikonbasierte Gummiisolierung wesentliche Parameter. Der Querschnitt beeinflusst die Stromtragfähigkeit, was bei hohen Leistungsanforderungen vorteilhaft ist. Das reine Kupfer sorgt für minimale Signalverluste und beschleunigt die Übertragungsrate. Die Isolierung verbessert den Kabelschutz in schwierigen Bedingungen. Zusammengenommen maximieren diese Spezifikationen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Audiokabels, insbesondere im Einsatz bei anspruchsvollen Audio-Setups, wo Zuverlässigkeit und Klangtreue entscheidend sind.
Der Querschnitt von 2x2,5mm² der Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware ist entscheidend für die Klangqualität, da er den elektrischen Widerstand und somit die Stromtragfähigkeit der Leitung beeinflusst. Ein größerer Querschnitt ermöglicht eine effizientere Stromübertragung mit weniger Signalverlusten und Wärmeentwicklung. Dies führt dazu, dass Du bei Deinem Audiosystem einen insgesamt klareren und druckvolleren Klang erleben kannst, da die Klangsignale sauber zu den Lautsprechern übertragen werden. Für Audioenthusiasten, die eine verlustfreie Wiedergabe bei hohen Lautstärken anstreben, ist dieser Querschnitt optimal.
Die maximale Länge der Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC Meterware ist auf 30 Meter begrenzt, um das physikalische Phänomen des Spannungsabfalls zu minimieren, das bei längeren Leitungen auftritt. Bei größeren Längen nimmt der Widerstand der Kupferleiter zu, was die Gefahr von Signalverlusten und Leistungsabfällen erhöht. Durch die Begrenzung auf 30 Meter wird sichergestellt, dass das Kabel eine optimale Klangqualität bietet und gleichzeitig die elektrischen Parameter innerhalb der akzeptablen Grenzen hält. Wenn Du eine längere Verkabelung benötigst, ist es ratsam, eine kürzere Sektion mit minimalem Leistungsverlust zu verwenden oder spezielle Signalverstärkungstechniken einzusetzen.

Audio Import Group
Pekka Kinnunen
Palkkitie 10
84100 Ylivieska


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Product specifications



  • Highlights

    • 2x2.5mm² cross-section, 100% OFC copper, ideal for audio needs.
    • Insulation made of silicone-based rubber, sold by the meter up to 30m.
    • Color gray with red marking, perfect for differentiation.
  • Uvp



0.1 kg

Your benefits at Masori

High-performance 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable cross-section analysis

The 2x2.5mm² speaker cable from Stage2 offers an optimally dimensioned cross-section of 2.5 square millimeters per conductor. This cross-section ensures minimal signal loss and enables efficient power transmission, which is particularly beneficial for longer cable lengths of up to 30 meters. Compared to thinner cables, the larger cross-section reduces electrical resistance, resulting in more precise sound reproduction and higher overall performance of your car hi-fi system. Thanks to its careful dimensioning, this cable is ideal for high-performance speaker applications where every milliwatt counts.

100% Oxygen Free Copper (OFC) – Maximum signal purity and longevity

The Stage2 speaker cable is made of 100% OFC copper, ensuring excellent electrical conductivity and significantly reduced oxidation. Oxygen-free copper offers higher purity and fewer impurities than standard copper wire, resulting in clearer and more pristine sound. This property is essential for car hi-fi enthusiasts who demand the highest audio quality without signal loss. The use of OFC copper also contributes to the cable's longevity, as it is less susceptible to corrosion and fatigue, ensuring stable performance over time.

Silicone-based rubber insulation – flexibility and protection

The insulating layer of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² speaker cable is made of silicone-based rubber, which provides excellent flexibility and resistance to extreme temperatures. This type of insulation effectively protects the inner copper conductors from mechanical damage and electromagnetic interference, ensuring consistently high signal quality. Furthermore, the high flexibility allows for easy installation in the vehicle, even in tight or hard-to-reach areas. The silicone-based insulation also contributes to temperature resistance, making the cable reliable in both hot and cold conditions.

Maximum cable length of 30 meters – Versatile applications for your vehicle

With a maximum length of 30 meters, the Stage2 speaker cable offers exceptional flexibility when installing your car hi-fi system. This generous length allows you to connect speakers distributed over long distances throughout the vehicle without worrying about signal loss due to excessive cable cross-section. The 30-meter cable length allows you to cut the cable to the required length, reducing material waste and ensuring a customized installation. This length is ideal for larger vehicles or custom audio setups that require precision and adaptability.

Color coding – gray with red marking for easy identification

The Stage2 speaker cable is designed in a subtle gray with eye-catching red markings. This color combination allows for quick and easy identification of the cable ends during installation, reducing labor and preventing wiring errors. The clear color coding supports the clarity of your car hi-fi system and facilitates future maintenance or upgrades. Furthermore, the gray design blends discreetly into the vehicle interior, while the red marking provides a visual aid without being obtrusive.

High-quality fabrics – tailored to your needs

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC bulk speaker cable is supplied by the meter, giving you the freedom to cut the exact length you need for your specific installation project. This flexibility ensures you use only the amount of cable you need, minimizing unnecessary material waste and saving costs. The bulk cable allows for precise customization to your vehicle layout, which is especially beneficial for custom or complex audio installations. Furthermore, the bulk cable offers the option of creating multiple cable sections for different speaker connections without compromising on quality.

Robust workmanship and durable materials for demanding use

The Stage2 speaker cable features high-quality workmanship made from robust materials specifically developed for demanding automotive use. The combination of 100% OFC copper conductors and silicone-based rubber insulation ensures long-lasting performance, even under challenging conditions such as strong vibration and temperature fluctuations. This robust construction prevents premature wear and ensures a long cable lifespan, ensuring consistently high audio quality for many years. The cable's durability makes it the ideal choice for intensive car hi-fi systems that must meet the highest demands.

Easy to process – Optimized for quick and clean installation

Thanks to the sophisticated design of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable, installation is particularly simple and efficient. The flexible silicone-rubber insulation allows for easy routing in tight vehicle interiors and around complex curves without the cable kinking or becoming damaged. Furthermore, the sold-by-the-meter design makes it easy to cut and adjust to the specific needs of your system, significantly reducing installation time and effort. The robust construction ensures that the cable remains stable even under intensive use, ensuring a reliable connection between the amplifier and speakers.

Compatibility with different vehicle types and audio setups

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable is versatile and compatible with a wide range of vehicle types and car hi-fi setups. Thanks to its standardized cross-section and high-quality materials, it can be easily integrated into virtually any vehicle, whether you own a compact city car or a spacious SUV. This cable supports both simple and complex audio installations, including multi-channel amplifier systems and powerful speaker configurations. Its universal applicability makes it the ideal choice for car enthusiasts seeking a reliable and high-performance wiring solution that can be flexibly adapted to different requirements.

Optimal temperature resistance for reliable performance

The silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable offers outstanding temperature resistance, enabling reliable operation in extreme environments. This property is especially important in vehicles exposed to significant temperature fluctuations, whether from intense sunlight or the cold of the winter months. The stable insulation prevents material deformation and ensures that the cable's electrical properties remain constant even under extreme conditions. This temperature resistance contributes to the overall safety and performance of your car hi-fi system by ensuring long-lasting and reliable signal transmission.

Easy adjustment thanks to clear color marking – gray with red line for quick orientation

The color scheme of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable combines an unobtrusive gray with a striking red line, allowing for quick and clear differentiation of the cable ends. This visual marking not only facilitates identification during installation, but also during subsequent maintenance work or system upgrades. The clear color coding minimizes the risk of confusion and errors, significantly increasing the efficiency of the installation process. Furthermore, the sophisticated design ensures that the cables are seamlessly integrated into your vehicle's interior without creating visual distractions.

High flexibility and minimal bending radii for optimal placement

The construction of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable offers exceptional flexibility, allowing you to easily route the cable in tight and complex vehicle interiors. The silicone-based rubber is not only temperature-resistant but also allows for minimal bend radii without compromising structural integrity or electrical performance. This flexibility makes it easy to place the cable along door panels, under carpets, or through tight cable runs without damaging the cable or complicating installation. The high flexibility contributes to a clean and professional wiring layout for your car hi-fi system.

Excellent signal transmission through 100% OFC copper conductors

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable by the meter uses exclusively 100% oxygen-free copper conductors, guaranteeing maximum signal purity and minimal distortion. The high-quality copper ensures that electrical signals are transmitted efficiently and losslessly from the audio source to the speakers, resulting in clear and dynamic sound reproduction. The reduced oxidation of the OFC conductors also ensures long-term stability of the signal quality, even under intensive use and a longer service life of the cable. This first-class signal transmission makes the cable the perfect choice for sophisticated car hi-fi systems that demand the highest sound quality.

Easily cut to size for individual installations

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable is available by the meter, allowing for precise customization to the specific requirements of your car hi-fi installation. You can cut the cable to the exact length you need, eliminating excess material and ensuring a clean installation. This flexibility is especially useful for custom audio setups where each cable has its own specific run. The ability to customize the length allows you to manage even complex installations with multiple speakers and amplifiers efficiently and efficiently, without compromising on cable quality or the overall performance of your system.

Reduced electrical resistance due to optimal cross-section

The 2.5mm² cross-section of each conductor in the Stage2 OFC speaker cable ensures low electrical resistance, which directly impacts the performance of your audio system. Low resistance minimizes energy loss during signal transmission, maximizing amplifier efficiency and improving sound reproduction. This is especially important for high-performance audio systems that require high currents to produce dynamic and deep bass reproduction. The optimized cross-section of the cable thus contributes to the stability and performance of your car hi-fi system by ensuring consistent, high-quality audio output.

Durable and resistant silicone insulation protects against external influences

The silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable offers outstanding resistance to external influences such as moisture, dirt, and mechanical stress. This durable insulation reliably protects the inner copper conductors from environmental influences and increases the overall service life of the cable. Furthermore, the stable insulation prevents moisture penetration, preventing corrosion and damage to the conductors and thus ensuring the long-term performance of the cable. This resistance to external influences makes the Stage2 speaker cable the ideal choice for use in a variety of vehicle environments, regardless of the prevailing conditions.

Precise color marking for efficient installation and maintenance

The clear color coding of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable, consisting of gray with a red line, ensures easy and precise identification of the cable ends during installation. This visual aid allows you to quickly identify the correct cables and avoid wiring errors, significantly speeding up the installation process. Furthermore, the clear labeling also facilitates future maintenance or upgrade work, as you can easily distinguish between the cable sections and work on them specifically. This sophisticated color scheme contributes to the professional and organized wiring of your car hi-fi system.

High material quality for maximum reliability in vehicle operation

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable is manufactured from high-quality materials specifically developed for use in vehicles. The combination of 100% OFC copper and silicone-based insulation offers premium material quality, guaranteeing long-lasting reliability and consistent performance even under demanding conditions. This high material quality ensures that the cable remains stable and no performance degradation occurs, even with intensive use and frequent movement in the vehicle. Investing in high-quality materials pays off in the long run by extending the lifespan of your car hi-fi system and consistently delivering outstanding audio quality.

Easy identification and organization through color coding

The sophisticated color coding of the Stage2 speaker cable, consisting of a gray base color with red markings, allows for quick and easy identification of the cable ends. This visual differentiation not only simplifies installation but also helps with neat cable routing and efficient subsequent adjustments or expansions to your audio setup. The clear color coding minimizes confusion and increases the clarity of your cabling system, which is particularly beneficial in complex installations with numerous cables. The color coding thus supports structured and clean cabling, which optimizes the overall performance of your car hi-fi system.

Optimal signal stability thanks to high-quality copper conductors

The use of 100% OFC copper conductors in the Stage2 2x2.5mm² speaker cable guarantees optimal signal stability and minimizes interference during transmission. This high-quality copper ensures that audio signals travel efficiently and losslessly from the source to the speakers, resulting in clear and pristine sound reproduction. The reduction in signal interference and loss helps ensure your car hi-fi system delivers consistent, high-performance performance, regardless of the cable length or the electrical requirements of your setup. This signal stability is crucial for maximizing audio quality and ensuring satisfaction with your car hi-fi system.

Maximum flexibility thanks to silicone rubber insulation

The silicone-rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable offers exceptional flexibility, allowing for easy installation and adjustment within your vehicle. This type of insulation is not only temperature-resistant but also extremely pliable, making it easier to route the cable through tight spaces and around sharp corners without damage. The cable's high flexibility ensures that it adapts seamlessly to the specific requirements of your installation location without compromising signal quality or structural integrity. This flexibility makes the Stage2 speaker cable the ideal solution for professional and clean wiring of your car hi-fi system.

Durable construction for lasting Karhifi performance

Thanks to the robust and durable construction of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable, you can rely on long-lasting and reliable performance in your car hi-fi system. The combination of high-quality materials, including OFC copper conductors and silicone rubber insulation, ensures that the cable withstands even intensive use conditions and delivers consistent audio quality. This durable construction reduces the need for frequent cable replacements and maintenance, saving you time and money. The robust construction makes the Stage2 speaker cable the ideal choice for demanding car hi-fi installations that require long-term, high-performance audio transmission.

Color coding for easy installation – gray with red marking

The Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable features clear color coding for easy identification and assignment during installation. The gray base with a red line ensures clear visual differentiation of the cables, which is especially helpful when multiple cables need to be installed at once. This sophisticated color coding not only simplifies installation but also facilitates subsequent maintenance or expansion of your car hi-fi system, as you can quickly and easily distinguish the cables. The color coding thus contributes to efficient and error-free cabling, further increasing the quality and reliability of your audio setup.

Maximum performance through optimized cable cross-section

The optimized 2x2.5mm² conductor cross-section of the Stage2 OFC speaker cable ensures maximum power transfer from your amplifier to the speakers. This cross-section minimizes resistance and ensures that all electrical power is transferred efficiently, resulting in dynamic and powerful sound reproduction. Especially in high-performance car hi-fi systems that require high currents, this cross-section is crucial for lossless transmission and consistent audio quality. The optimized conductor cross-section thus contributes significantly to the performance of your system and enables impressive sound quality that will impress even the most demanding audio experts.

Reduced signal losses due to high-quality copper conductors

The high-quality 100% OFC copper conductors of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² speaker cable ensure minimal signal loss during transmission. This means that the audio signals travel from the source to the speakers with virtually no distortion, resulting in clear and precise sound reproduction. The excellent conductivity of the oxygen-free copper reduces resistance and prevents important frequencies from being lost or distorted during transmission. This property is especially important for car hi-fi systems, which require high sound fidelity and detailed reproduction to ensure an optimal listening experience. The reduced signal loss therefore contributes significantly to the overall quality of your audio setup.

Flexible meterware for individual cable lengths – up to 30 meters

The flexible bulk length of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable allows you to cut the exact cable length you need for your specific installation project. This adaptability is especially useful when installing custom audio setups with different speaker positions and distances. With a maximum length of 30 meters, you can ensure that you have enough cable length to optimally connect all the components of your car hi-fi system, even in larger vehicles. The ability to customize the cable length contributes to clean and efficient wiring, saving space and supporting aesthetic integration into your vehicle's interior.

High temperature resistance of the silicone-based insulation

The silicone-based rubber insulation of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable offers excellent resistance to extreme temperatures commonly found in vehicles. This high temperature resistance ensures that the cable maintains its structural integrity and electrical performance even under intense thermal conditions. This prevents the insulation from becoming brittle or cracking, which could lead to short circuits or signal loss. The stable insulation thus ensures long-term reliability and performance of your car hi-fi system, regardless of the climatic challenges the vehicle is exposed to.

Easy installation thanks to clear color coding and flexible meter length

The clear gray color coding with red markings of the Stage2 2x2.5mm² OFC speaker cable, combined with the flexible meter-length cable, makes installation much easier. These features allow you to quickly identify the correct cable ends and precisely cut the required cable length, making the installation process more efficient and less error-prone. The cable's ease of handling and adjustment helps ensure that your car hi-fi system is neatly and neatly laid out, avoiding annoying cable bundles or confusing wiring. These thoughtful design features ensure a professional and aesthetically pleasing integration of the cable into your vehicle, further enhancing the overall quality of your audio setup.