Sech -quality manufacturers for supercapacitors
The company SECH is a quality manufacturer in the field of supercapacitors (supercaps), also called ultraCaps, boost caps or ultra -component. Supercapensators refer to energy stores that have a much higher capacity value than other capacitors, but have lower voltage limits
.. The six supercapacitors thus close the gap between electrolytic capacitors and rechargeable batteries.
High storage volume, energy output in real time
Compared to electrolytic capacitors, the SEX brand's supercaps are able to store ten to 100 times more energy per volume or mass unit and work considerably faster than conventional batteries because they are in real time- that means, without delay. Another plus point: The six SU-Percapensators tolerate significantly more charging and unloading cycles than rechargeable batteries. In this way, these can be loaded and unloaded several 100,000 times without larger performance losses.
Supercap modules tailored to the needs of Carhifi fans
In collaboration with Masori, the company has now developed SECP modules tailored especially for the car audio area to ensure optimal span resistance. These are delivered directly to the connection and have extremely high KA relatives of several hundred farads. The
Six Supercap Condensator Module 18V 500F - 2x3 For example, a capacity of 500 Farad has a capacity! Also the
Six condenser C60T-3R0-3000 single cells 3V 3000F Combine the latest findings from the field of material sciences with patent animals and innovative production processes. These six ultra capacitors convince with reliability, temperature resistance and high energy and power density- and at a fair price/performance ratio.
Sech is the quality manufacturer for supercapacitors (supercaps)
A supercap, also called Supercap, Ultracap, Boostcap and Ultracondensator, is a highly capacitic capacitor with a much higher capacity value than other capacity, but with lower voltage limits that closes the gap between electrolyte capacitors and rechargeable batteries. It typically stores 10 to 100 times more energy per volume or mass unit than electrolytic capacitors, can absorb and release loads much faster than batteries and tolerates much more charging and unloading cycles than rechargeable batteries.
In cooperation between Masori and Sech, supercap modules were created that have optimal voltage strength for Carhifi, have extreme high capacities of several hundred Farad and are delivered ready for connection.