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The ZAPCO HDSP-Z16 V AD-16A DSP sound processor of the HDSP-V Series is a high-end 16-channel DSP, which uses the most advanced ADC and DAC converters for maximum sound quality, achieving an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio of 109-120dB. A remote control for controlling the DSP is included in the delivery.
The HDSP-Z16 V is the best hardware Zapco has ever built, and the numbers prove it. Even though the HDSP is made up of 18 individual parts assembled in a modular version that can be easily customized or upgraded as needed, the noise floor and crosstalk levels are excellent. The end result exceeded even the expectations of the designers and engineers who built it. It took almost three years, but finally this unique piece of hardware was created that Zapco believes will go down in Zapco history and set new standards for what is possible in audio reproduction. The numbers are the proof of the design, for example -140 dB background noise and -115 dB crosstalk. For a 16-channel device, a crosstalk of -115 dB (average at 1 KHz) is a testament to the accuracy with which the layout was created. But of course, background noise and crosstalk are not the only numbers that matter in audio equipment. All other values are not as spectacular as -140 dB noise floor, but are still excellent.
The digital inputs have 114 dB A-weighted signal/noise and the analog 109 dB at rated power. We kept the output voltage at 4 volts to avoid additional distortion from the analog pre-amplification. The distortion of the analog and digital inputs is less than 0.001% at 4 volts output and less than 0.00175% at 1 volt output. The HDSP-V power supply works down to 6 volts to solve the problem of cars with stop-start ignition systems. The main processor is a dual-core 456 + 456 MHz, the 8 and 16 channel solutions have a sampling rate of 192 and 96 KHz and the converters are new 32-bit/784 KHz devices from AKM. Very importantly, it is an HD player that works at 24 bit/192 KHz and has an integrated DSP. There is no connection between the player and the DSP, no circuit board, no connectors, no cables. The player and DSP are integrated in a dual-core chipset that has a total power of 912 MHz.
Then there is a microprocessor that only controls the player and does not have to do any other heavy computing like a computer might do. So you could say it is a DSP within a DSP, or the most sophisticated DSP you can get on board an HD player. The player has its own browser that starts working immediately when you plug in the USB memory stick. It can read all formats up to 24 bit/192 KHz, compressed or uncompressed, and the 3" touchscreen display lets you control all functions through 3 different folder levels. The dashboard that controls the player also controls smaller DSP functions and can manage up to 10 tuning presets, from which you can instantly switch to another for A/B comparison.
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The ZAPCO HDSP-Z16 V AD-16A DSP sound processor of the HDSP-V Series is a high-end 16-channel DSP, which uses the most advanced ADC and DAC converters for maximum sound quality, achieving an extremely high signal-to-noise ratio of 109-120dB. A remote control for controlling the DSP is included in the delivery.
The HDSP-Z16 V is the best hardware Zapco has ever built, and the numbers prove it. Even though the HDSP is made up of 18 individual parts assembled in a modular version that can be easily customized or upgraded as needed, the noise floor and crosstalk levels are excellent. The end result exceeded even the expectations of the designers and engineers who built it. It took almost three years, but finally this unique piece of hardware was created that Zapco believes will go down in Zapco history and set new standards for what is possible in audio reproduction. The numbers are the proof of the design, for example -140 dB background noise and -115 dB crosstalk. For a 16-channel device, a crosstalk of -115 dB (average at 1 KHz) is a testament to the accuracy with which the layout was created. But of course, background noise and crosstalk are not the only numbers that matter in audio equipment. All other values are not as spectacular as -140 dB noise floor, but are still excellent.
The digital inputs have 114 dB A-weighted signal/noise and the analog 109 dB at rated power. We kept the output voltage at 4 volts to avoid additional distortion from the analog pre-amplification. The distortion of the analog and digital inputs is less than 0.001% at 4 volts output and less than 0.00175% at 1 volt output. The HDSP-V power supply works down to 6 volts to solve the problem of cars with stop-start ignition systems. The main processor is a dual-core 456 + 456 MHz, the 8 and 16 channel solutions have a sampling rate of 192 and 96 KHz and the converters are new 32-bit/784 KHz devices from AKM. Very importantly, it is an HD player that works at 24 bit/192 KHz and has an integrated DSP. There is no connection between the player and the DSP, no circuit board, no connectors, no cables. The player and DSP are integrated in a dual-core chipset that has a total power of 912 MHz.
Then there is a microprocessor that only controls the player and does not have to do any other heavy computing like a computer might do. So you could say it is a DSP within a DSP, or the most sophisticated DSP you can get on board an HD player. The player has its own browser that starts working immediately when you plug in the USB memory stick. It can read all formats up to 24 bit/192 KHz, compressed or uncompressed, and the 3" touchscreen display lets you control all functions through 3 different folder levels. The dashboard that controls the player also controls smaller DSP functions and can manage up to 10 tuning presets, from which you can instantly switch to another for A/B comparison.
HDSP-V Digital Control Program
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In een woord perfect.
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Klingen ganz gut wenn man richtig laut möchte aber halt nur Mitteltonbereich.
Reibungsloser Ablauf mit entsprechen guter Mitteilung des Versand-verlauf, bloß zum Verhältnis der Wahre war die Paket Größe meinen Geschmack übertrieben groß hätte auch kleiner sein können!