FaitalPro 12HP1030
12" (30cm) woofer
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The 12HP1030 is a powerful 12" (30cm) woofer that impresses with its high performance. Its first-class design delivers efficient, powerful and musically correct reproduction. Enjoy the ultimate sound experience and the best sound quality with the 12HP1030.
_msttexthash="405223" _msthash="1" SPECIFICATIONS
- nominal diameter 300 mm
- total diameter 316 mm
- bolt circle diameter 298.5 mm
- Diameter of the baffle cutout 282 mm
- depth 147 mm
- flange and gasket thickness 12 mm
- net weight 11.1 kg
- shipping box
- (Single box) 350 x 346 x 190 mm
- Shipping weight: 11.8 kg
- nominal impedance 4 ohms
- Minimum impedance 4 ohms
- RMS power handling 1000 W
- Maximum load capacity 2000 W
- Sensitivity (1W/1m) 94 dB
- frequency range 45-1600 Hz
- voice coil diameter 100 mm
- winding material Cu
- Former material fiberglass
- winding depth 28.9 mm
- Magnetic gap depth 12 mm
- flow density 1.1 t
- magnet ferrite ring
- Basket material: aluminum
- demodulation aluminum ring
- cone bead (3) Triple Roll
- NET air volume filled by loudspeaker 3.7 dm^3 (0.131 ft^3)
- Spider profile 2x non-adjacent symmetrical waves with variable height
- Fs 45 Hz
- Re 2.9 Ohm
- Qes 0.28
- Qms 9.4
- Qts 0.27
- Vas 33.2 dm^3 (1.17 ft^3)
- Sd 518 cm^2 (80.29 in^2)
- Xmax (4) 12.45 mm
- Xdamage (5) 20.5 mm
- Mms 141.0 g
- Bl 20.5 N/A
- Le 0.96 mH
- Mmd 127.7 g
- Cms 0.09 mm/N
- Rms 4.3 kg/s
- Eta Zero 1.07%
- EBP 161 Hz
- Fs 45 Hz
- Re 5 Ohm
- Qes 0.31
- Qms 13.8
- Qts 0.30
- Vas 35.9 dm^3 (1.27 ft^3)
- Sd 518 cm^2 (80.29 in^2)
- Xmax (4) 12.45 mm
- Xdamage (5) 20.5 mm
- Mms 130.5 g
- Bl 24.3 N/A
- Le 1.35 mH
- Mmd 117.2 g
- Cms 0.10 mm/N
- Rms 2.7 kg/s
- Eta Zero 1.02%
- EBP 145 Hz