Fortissimo FF8 A4B9
8" (20cm) enclosure subwoofer
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- Fortissimo FF8 in vehicle-specific housing for Audi A4 B9 Avant and similar.
- Made of 12mm birch plywood.
- The housing fits perfectly into the spare wheel well behind the battery in the Audi A4 B9 Avant and similar models.
- 13 liters closed in the deep bass-enhancing downfire principle
- Incl. mounting plates and screws.
- Power recommendation 150-250W RMS,
- Impedance S1 / S2 / S4 / S8 / D2 / D4 available (2x2 connection cables protrude from the housing for D2 / D4)
- Dimensions: 400 x 245 x 184 + 30mm spacers.
The FF8 A4B9 is an impressive 8" (20cm) enclosure subwoofer from the renowned manufacturer Fortissimo. Specially designed to fit seamlessly into the spare wheel well of the Audi A4 B9 Avant and similar models. The enclosure, made from high-quality 12mm birch multiplex, promotes deep bass with a downfire design and brings excellent sound to your car with a recommended power of 150-250W RMS. The scope of delivery includes mounting plates and screws - the dimensions are 400 x 245 x 184 + 30mm spacers. Unlock the full potential of your audio system with the FF8 A4B9 subwoofer from Fortissimo.